4 weeks old need help pics included

Hello i'm new here and i was wondering if anyone could help me. I started 6 plants from seed (strain unknown) they're a little over 4 weeks old and 3 are showing signs of pre flowers. 2 are definately female (lots of white pistils) but one of them looks like the begining of a male to me but i'm not sure and i don't want to destroy it until i know for sure but i want to get rid of it asap if it is (besides i need more room in my closet). Any thoughts?

Also my lights are on 18/6 and haven't changed them yet, gonna start flowering in the next week or so.



Active Member
Hello i'm new here and i was wondering if anyone could help me. I started 6 plants from seed (strain unknown) they're a little over 4 weeks old and 3 are showing signs of pre flowers. 2 are definately female (lots of white pistils) but one of them looks like the begining of a male to me but i'm not sure and i don't want to destroy it until i know for sure but i want to get rid of it asap if it is (besides i need more room in my closet). Any thoughts?

Also my lights are on 18/6 and haven't changed them yet, gonna start flowering in the next week or so.
I would just wait, a couple weeks after you go 12/12 you will be able to tell for sure. Just keep an eye on them and throw out any males as soon as your sure.


Active Member
take it out and leave it in dark for 36 hrs it will really show good character by then if not then just sit it somewhere it can get a little light everyday till you can tell forsure as i wouldnt take any chances if you already have a few ladies
Thank you for the replies, i think i'll just keep it out of the closet and see. My gut says male and i know the pictures don't do it justice but in person they do kinda look like little balls.


Well-Known Member
yea, but your plants won't pollinate right away. You have time. I would really leave it in there, till atleast 2 weeks into flowering if you arent 100% sure. You should be by then though. You dont wanna throw it away until you have to