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  1. F

    CSI humboldt thread

    I recently ran his ChemD s1 and it was the most potent plant of my last run, was definitely a keeper. Seems like you have to get lucky with s1's I agree better chances of a keeper with the fem hybrids still.
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    2600 PPM for C02 when lights are out

    plants breath o2 at night expell co2, when lights are on they breathe co2 and expell o2
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    Installing a Ductless AC Heat Pump in an Attic?

    how did the compressor install go. i plan on doing the exact same thing. i got the 115v 9,000 btu inverter mini split from harborpoint. I have a large attic with holes for venting. I was gonna hook up a 6inch inline fan pulling air from outside aimed straight at the compressor. let me know how...
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    Sealed Grow Room AC Question

    Currently i have 5X7X9 (WxHxL) grow tent with air cooled lights and filtered intake air keeping it cooled. I have a 6inch vortex pulling air into the tent from outside and another 6inch vortex blowing air through the lights. Passive exhaust. I want to invest in a sealed grow room with AC and...
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    1000watt Feminized Barney's Farm Violator Kush, Afgan Kush, Papaya Grow!

    I would immediately destroy those clones. You do not want to bring mites into your house period! it will cause problems down the road trust me
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    Dutch Master

    there not a scam. please don't put down a product you have not used. the gold range line is 100% different than the regular line you used on lettuce. Ive used the liquid light with spectacular results. and its dirt cheap. For 60$ it makes like 80 spray bottles of it at full strength. I...
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    Whats wrong here? Dutch master *video*

    are you using RO water or tap. i have tapwater i use a/b .27, silica, and zone (the full gold line) never needed any other additives, my tap water is about 250ppm. I get amazing results but i use rockwool flood and drain. Also when im done mixing my water is at like 1700ppm. It seems high but...
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    Cheech and Chong need to STFU

    I don't think it really matters. lets say prop 19 passes (which it most likely wont) the federal government will shoot it down just how it did with the Arizona when they passed there immigration bill. But in all honesty i doubt Cheech and Chong want the bill to pass. They said it themselves...
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    Male or Female? pic's

    i bet they smile when you walk into the casinos. spoken like a true betting man lol
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    First Time Grow 4 x 1000w Soil

    did you change the ducting? the hydrofarm ducting is crap. Dont buy "hydroponic" ducting go to home depot its much more heavy duty. You actually need scissors to cut through it and wire cutters for the metal part. Or you can go a step further and get the fancy ducting. I payed the extra fee for...
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    SEA of GREEN Crack switching to 12/12

    I will be doing a perpetual sea of green. this is a 3x3 tray that will eventually go next to another 3x3 tray both with a 600hps above them. Right now these are under a 400w MH hortilux blue. i put them in rockwool cubes last week and and vegged them for 6 days. I switched t0 12/12 yesterday...
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    Somthing different :) Salvia Grow profile

    can you give more details. Ive smoked salvia but its normally just a powder or shake. how does it go from here does the plant produce flowers like cannabis or do you just benefit from the leaves. how does the light cycle effect the plant. do you need to change anything?
  13. F

    Cutting a sample...what do you think?

    yea, it will do that. where you live? i always find it weird hearing about dirt weed. Im lucky enough to live in cali and hearing things like this really makes you appreciate. Put it this way im annoyed when i go to the dispensary and they only have 3 different kinds of kush's compared to the...
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    Newbie Hydro Q's, Nutrient Schedule, Transplant, Watering etc

    Chlorine evaporates at room temp. So you don't have to let it sit 24 hrs. Normally i will run the pump in the water so everything is moving and let it sit about 20 minutes. Normally by the time i am done mixing my nutes and adjusting the PH its been 20 minutes. However depending on where you...
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    Spider Mite Home-Made Fumigation Technique

    Hahah I LOVE IT, Just another way to kill those damn mites. People do the same with c02, but your way your no wasting anything. Cause your smoking the bud first.
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    Spraying floramite in Week 3 of flower (7.5 week strain)

    i would spray with floramite if i was you. If it makes you feel better only use it at 75% strength. You have about 4 weeks left of growing time. Plus hanging it to try for 7 days, then the cure. If there is any residue left it would be very minimal. And if your concerned about the residue of...
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    no problem. Im guessing you growing in soil. If so try and transplant to the biggest possible pot. In your case since its only one and your concerned about height i would go with a wider pot. For nutrients it should have quite a bit in the soil and you should be good for now. But once the plant...
  18. F

    Electrical question please help

    I have large grow tent with 2 air cooled 600W hps, and 250watts of side lighting. Plus 300 watts of ventilation. (fans, intake, exhaust, light cooling). So altogether i have about 1800 watts im using. I have this load spread across 3 outlets. 1 light per outlet and the fans and side...
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    Thoughts on Swapping 2 x 600w for 1 x 1000w

    you will get a much better yield with 2 600's at only a little bit more power. 200 watts. plus you dont have to buy a hood. The money you save on not buying a new hood will more than cover the electricity difference. So will the extra yield. And i doubt there will be much difference in heat.
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    Cooltube, blow or suck?

    i have ducting pulling air from outside and blowing through the light. with the fan in front of the light blowing cool air through the hood then out the grow room. There are 2 advantages to this. Your blowing cooler air through the fan by having it blow air through the light. And you have cool...