2600 PPM for C02 when lights are out


Well-Known Member
So even with the C02 set at 1300 ppms, when the lights go out on our closed room many a nights the ppm slowly rises up to 2600. At first I was scared but went in the next morning and things appear to be just fine. Are there any toxicity issues or inadvertent stresses I should be worried about? Thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
anything over 2200ppms of co2 is toxic to marijuana especially at night. Information Taken straight from a college level botany text book. Also a few other books by ed state the same thing. Saw a thread on here few months ago where this was also posted with a link just cant seem to find the thread. Search around im sure its still on here :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the educated answer. Will try to track down the article. Any idea why the C02 rises so much at night though?

Have the regulator plugged into CHHC4 set on 1300 and never goes over that during the day. At night it soars about 300 ppm every hour maxing at 2600.


Well-Known Member
anything over 2200ppms of co2 is toxic to marijuana especially at night. Information Taken straight from a college level botany text book. Also a few other books by ed state the same thing. Saw a thread on here few months ago where this was also posted with a link just cant seem to find the thread. Search around im sure its still on here :)
It's 10,000 not 2,000 Einstein.
Stoma are closed at night. CO2 enrichment is just wasted.
2600 isn't a lot for plants but it costs money to generate. Unless you're growing in a closet.
1500 is optimum. You can make the plant metabolize faster with more CO2 but it also needs more light energy and more water and nutrients to photosynthesize. Carbon is only part of the equation. I keep my plants at 1500PPM for 2 months in flower and they always turn out great.
