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  1. S

    Question for people who use Fox Farm

    Im just wrapping up a grow using Fox Farm Trio and Soluble Tri-Pack. Gotta say I'm not impressed for the money I spent. I got buds that are good and tasty but the hassles Fox Farm gave me I won't be using them again. Go really light with them. It's spicy stuff. I used 1/4 strength of the...
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Hey thanks man! I've been battling the ever popular Fox Farm pH drop. It's got me stumped. Plants aren't suffering I'm just afraid they aren't in the prime. Finally found my camera too!! More pics coming soon.
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Finally an update!! This is 11 weeks old.
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Day 55. Day 22 Flower.
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    1st dwc experiance...trial and error

    ...and get a digital pH meter. Best investment I made so far.
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    1st dwc experiance...trial and error

    I honestly think you're doing too much and not getting anywhere. I've never had to do so many changes to my plants in a given period. When I mix nutes, I mix all of them the day I drain and replenish. After that, I don't add any more (no tsps. here or tsps. there). I add straight water to the...
  7. S

    SWC LED Bagseed - First Grow

    I payed 350 for my 90 Watt UFO at my local hydro shop. Half of the lights went out on the first one I had. So I took it back to the shop and no questions asked ordered me up a next generation UFO brand new for nothin. The new one I got had NO orange spectrum in it like my last one. Only red and...
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Me neither man!! I checked out your grow. Looks awesome. I'm glad to be seeing some success with LED's. Seems like it depends on the quality of the LED as to the growth you'll achieve. I've seen other grows that did not represent LED's well at all. Anyways....I've got pistils out and about all...
  9. S

    DWC w/ a little soil?

    Don't take these responses the wrong way. I agree though....bad idea. Just trying to save you the trouble. The cleaner the better for these systems. I use Fox Farms nutrients that are kinda muddy but work really well for me. That's probably as muddy as you'd want the solution.
  10. S

    Getting started...HELP

    I use a drip too. Some like it some don't. Works for me. I use the drip until the roots hit the water. Then I pull it out. I use 2 12" airstones with a dual output pump. You'll be amazed by the growing power! Have fun!
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    My First Bubbleponic grow

    I too farm with the Fox with great results so far. Had to learn to keep my res temps in check but finally got it dialed this time.
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    2nd Bubble System. 3 Jock Horror and 3 Raspberry Cough Check it out

    I'll lend a hand. I tried to grow two different strains at the same time and one ended up getting totally choked out. I'd move the runts if they start getting too stuffed out. As far as leaf trimming, I think I went too far on my first grow cause I burned my leaves too. My current grow I have...
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    My bubblefied CFL grow

    I've always been advised by many growers to not use h2o2 with FF because of the organics in it. You can use the h202 but don't use it with the FF nutes. After the roots recover, add the nutes again with no peroxide.
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    My bubblefied CFL grow

    Looks good. Those girls were starvin man. Glad you finally got them some food!
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    How to keep your roots white and healthy.

    Light in your reservoir will promote algae growth and bacteria. It's a huge promoter of root rot. I light proof my tanks now after my plants got the rot.
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    How to keep your roots white and healthy.

    Peroxide would break down the bacteria as well as any organic compounds in the nutes like Big Bloom.
  17. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Day 45. Day 17 flower.
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    How to keep your roots white and healthy.

    I wouldn't use H2O2 with Fox Farms nutrients. You'd really have a mess if you did.
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    First time grower 1000w Mi5 bubbleponics

    HOw much light is getting inside your tank? Cause light in the tank will give you all kinds of problems even if it's at the right temperature. Looks like you're using just the plain tote with nothing keeping the light out. Those plasctic totes kind of glow under alot of light. I'd get that in check.
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    Filthy Roots

    Hight temps will rot your roots and turn them nasty slimy brown. Fox Farm nutes will turn them brown too. I think Techna Flora has a product that does the same. I agree with Illegal Smile...if it smells bad, looks bad, and your plants health is bad, then it's real bad. Other than that just let...