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  1. Old Fat Dude

    ozone generators has anyone used one?

    - I just wanted to add something I have been using for Smell Control.... Fresh 2 Ti Odor Neutralizers I bought 3 of these bulbs and put 2 in front of my fan , I was amazed !!! :lol: found them at This is a great resource for any...
  2. Old Fat Dude

    Lucas Formula Recipe from Scratch "Really"

    Why is water the worst growing medium ?
  3. Old Fat Dude

    Lucas Formula Recipe from Scratch "Really"

    Thanks Fatman, I added to your reputation . How does this affect pH ... if hydroton is used repeatedly Quote Fatman "Experiments have shown that after 4 weeks in a nutrient solution, the Hydroton absorbs 12-15% calcium cations (Ca++) and a proportional amount of potassium cations (K+). It...
  4. Old Fat Dude

    Lucas Formula Recipe from Scratch "Really"

    I've been following your posts and hope you will give me some advise ... In a DWC system using GN's FloraNova Grow/Bloom, temps 76-82, 400HPS,and humidity 45-57% I keep my pH between 5.5-6.5 usually hovering around 5.8, not usually changing much between reservoir changes every 2 or 3 weeks ...
  5. Old Fat Dude

    Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations discussion

    Thanks Ben ..... I'm getting a water analysis .... Will Up Date .... Downloaded those PFD's you recommended ... I had read them .. They are about media culture ... I'm growing in...
  6. Old Fat Dude

    Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations discussion

    This is the most confusing thread to me , sorry I just don't want to mix my own nute mix .... please recommend some products and discuss there use with different water types (RO /Tap) and perhaps some discussion on concentration used in different stages of plant growth .... I have read...
  7. Old Fat Dude

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    The Girls are looking real sexy , just about ready for some bud porn ... Did you do any pruning or topping , I cant find it in your thread ? Just a tremendous grow , You make a difference , with what you do ...
  8. Old Fat Dude


    This is a lively discussion No .... Most of the time it seems like newbies ... But sometimes it's real ..... Thanks mared juwan.... Could anyone quote any actual scientific study , on pruning .... maybe we should give Greg Green a...
  9. Old Fat Dude


    Thanks Uncle Ben , I'll git it right sooner or later , Heck it's just a weed !!!
  10. Old Fat Dude


    Thanks Uncle Ben .... "a double harvest, by first taking out the bulked up colas and placing the plant back under the lights to bulk up the lower wispy buds, which were the last to form and will be the last to bulk up. Of course you have to have retained fan leaves to do this which most...
  11. Old Fat Dude

    Dark period before harvest

    I want to thank everyone who is involved in this discussion..... To Quote Robert Clark ... THC production requires the proper quantity and quality of light. It seems that none of the biosynthetic processes operate efficiently when low light conditions prevent proper photosynthesis. Research...
  12. Old Fat Dude

    Help Sexing

    Dude ... you will know when it's time .... Be patient I just had to pull 3 males out of 6 plants..... Just be sure , I think I have one more that's a Hermie.... The male pollen doesn't mature for a while ... calm down , your growing weeds ....
  13. Old Fat Dude

    CANNA Grow!!!!!!!

    Nice Flaboy 1... I've been subscribed for a while , thanks looks like your going to have a successful crop ... I've been topping using U Ben's too , do u think your yield will be better on those plants or the one you didn't top ... and it looks like your just hand watering, correct . Boy...
  14. Old Fat Dude

    Advanced Stealth Hydro Bubbeponics Thread

    Roseman thanks I have been following you in several places and I have read a lot on many forums ... but have not really understood.... if there is a relation to net pot size... and plant size .... Why do some, use 3.5" net pots and some...