ozone generators has anyone used one?


ozone generators has anyone used one?

How do u like your ozone generator?

what would u say if u compared them to carbob scrubbers?

i know carbon scrubbers are better but i just want somthing to hang in my attic to kill the smell so u cant smell shit so would like yalls input :blsmoke:


Active Member
I love mine and supposedly they are great for plants but I wouldn't just use it alone. Also the smell kind of gets old but it is nice sometimes.


ok so if i just used an ozone generator then it wouldnt take away that dank ass smell weed produces? what if i used 2 haha what all do u use loggz?


Well-Known Member
I'm using one now. They work. You need to match the power of the generator to the room -- too much ozone = burned plants. If you're venting to an attic, and the generator is in there, you should be good as long as the attic size and generator match up (the ozone has to actually make contact with the source of odor so, if the room is too big, some of the odorous particles get away...). It helps to have another fan stirring the place up, too.

If I had it to do over, I'd just spend a little more to get a decent scrubber set up. Especially if it's about stealth -- I mean.. how smart would you have to be to put that together? (ie... smell of ozone = something weird is going on here).


im not just venting to the attic im growing and everything in there. but im glad they work thats very good info dude thx alot didnt know it could burn my plants thats no bueno lol


Active Member
Wow I had no clue It could burn em. I use a box fan to circulate, a small scrubber and the generator. Im not taking any chances in my condo. I would say get one if a scrubber doesn't cover it but scrubbers only work well if the room is sealed : /


Well-Known Member
Wow I had no clue It could burn em. I use a box fan to circulate, a small scrubber and the generator. Im not taking any chances in my condo. I would say get one if a scrubber doesn't cover it but scrubbers only work well if the room is sealed : /
Oh, you bet.. they lay down a spray of copper colored dots that look like nute burn, except the leaves are nice and straight (no curls, which almost always precedes nute spotting). Something to stay aware of if you're using one of these.


well i could always get a ozone generator and then do the diy carbon scrubber for back up! what do yall think?


Well-Known Member
You bet.. nice to have more than one method. I have my room sealed, and the generator sits right outside that door and blasts everything that leaks thru - so that's my two step method.


Active Member
That is exactly how mine is set up. Good info though im checking my leafs right now haha


Active Member
Oh yeah and home depot sells these filters they are $5 each and I have one on my box fan just taped its worth it if your concerned. There green and marketed for pets.


well 100 bucks to 150 bucks would be great! even cheaper would be good to! why would u put a filter on a box fan? jw?


Active Member

Well its taped off so it draws the air threw the fan when its circulating it works its just something extra I do.
I just wanted to add something I have been using for Smell Control....

Fresh 2 Ti Odor Neutralizers

I bought 3 of these bulbs and put 2 in front of my fan , I was amazed !!! :lol:

found them at 1000bulbs.com


This is a great resource for any kind of bulbage .....

My Hydro store sells these too but were more expensive ....

even found them at Home Depot..

Really simple and Quiet ...


Well-Known Member
i dont like the idea of putting the o zone generator in the grow..it will kill the smell on the plants completely . ive heard storys of it affecting the potency also.
i use it outside the grow area so no smell escapes..and use ONA jell inside the grow .it wont completely kill the taste and smell of your plants.and keeps the smell beat down well..
i have two carbon scrubbers but dont even use them.


Well-Known Member
i dont like the idea of putting the o zone generator in the grow..it will kill the smell on the plants completely . ive heard storys of it affecting the potency also.
i use it outside the grow area so no smell escapes..and use ONA jell inside the grow .it wont completely kill the taste and smell of your plants.and keeps the smell beat down well..
i have two carbon scrubbers but dont even use them.
Yup, I've come to the same conclusion. Just too dicey to have the unit in with the plants. You can't really map out all the airflow in your room and if your plants are in a "quiet zone" airflow wise, it will settle there and burn your leaves, at least.

But, they're great just outside, as an adjunct.
i dont have a ozone gen,but ive been looking into them,they come in two types a cheaper,corona discharge type,that give off nitric acid,which i assume is the burning you speak off,or the more expensive UV type,which wont burn your plants i presume