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  1. B

    Female/Male Ratios

    I started flowering both of my plants about a week ago. Both of them turned out to be female. Am I just really lucky here or does the environment have alot to do with sexing of a plant? They had a rough start but there are both doing very well now. I am using a 400watt HPS through out my...
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    Buds drying out on LIVE plants?!?!

    Harvest the buds that are dry and you can leave the top cola going for now.
  3. B

    Odd number of leaves

    Ok, cool. Like I said I haven't been freaking, it's been like that for awhile, but it seems like my last grown they just added the number of leaves and had no deviations. It's just weird. I thought I had a mutant. :mrgreen:
  4. B

    Odd number of leaves

    Both of my older plants of unknown bag seed are changing their number of leaves randomly (I think). Both started with 3 leaves and went up to 7 normally. But now new nodes may have the normal 7, some have 5 (after the lower one had 7), and some have 4 or 6 with one not having a "partner"...
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    Question on fan strength pulling through carbon scrubber

    Bath fans are pretty loud but if you have money to spend for around $80-$100 you can get "ultra quiet" (1.0-1.5 scones) fans.
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    Question on fan strength pulling through carbon scrubber

    Use a bathroom exhaust fan. They are cheap. I tried a 4" computer fan and it was pathetic. PATHETIC. lol
  7. B

    mixing for farm?

    What everyone is trying to say is yes, you can mix them in the same gallon jug. What you need to make sure and do is mix them in one type at a time. Don't mix the concentrates with each other before you mix them in with the water. Bad shit will happen.
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    Teeny Tiny Itsy Bitsy Plants for first attempt!?!?

    Ok, cfls can be tricky because they market them as equivalent watts while they are really only the smaller wattage listed. so 4 23 watt cfls is only 92 watts of light not the 400 watts they want you to believe. And 92 watts is a little on the low side for a grow. I would at least double you...
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    Newbie looking for advice

    Alot of organic ferts actually claim to prevent salt buildup but I don't know from experience
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    Newbie looking for advice

    Yep, light is fine. If your shelling out cash for a light and seeds, I'd recommend getting other soil and nutes than Miracle grow. Thus, you will avoid salt-build up and a harsh taste in your smoke. I started with MG but moved on to Fox Farm products but any organic higher end stuff will save...
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    Cheap, easy, zero mod closet grow suggestions.

    Never done this before but how about the wiring for the exhaust fan? I still haven't found a way around wiring it into the house electric which I can't do easily. Do they come with grounded plugs or can you wire it that way?
  12. B

    Cheap, easy, zero mod closet grow suggestions.

    Jesus man, you're awesome. I've been worrying about setting up ventilation forever basically because I'd have to make holes in something. Now I just need to figure out what to do with the door.
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    Experienced Electrician here to answer ANY and ALL ELECTRICAL QUESTIONS

    Can I wire a bathroom exhaust fan to a grounded 3-prong plug? If so, is it fairly straightforward or do I need to watch out for anything in particular? My closet needs ventilation but I really don't want to try and wire it into the house.
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    Yeah, people buys fans to lower the cost of cooling their place because it circulates the air around. I think they would be fine w/o the fan for a couple of days as long as the area is venilated and temps are steady.
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    Mixing nutes together

    Thanks, again. I was planning on starting them at 1/4 because I've heard that over and over around here. Not really sure why just heard some people say it helps the plant adjust to the nutes. Either way, I learned quickly about nute burn from Miracle Gro. All their potting soils have slow...
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    Mixing nutes together

    Ok, I was pretty sure I need to mix them together but didn't want to kill them because I don't know what I"m doing. Thanks, man. Yeah I had to drop about $80 between the soil and nutes while all the stuff from Lowes cost about $15 total but you get what you pay for.
  17. B

    Mixing nutes together

    So, I recently got out of the whole miracle gro business because the soil was just too hot and was burning my babies. I picked up some Happy Frog and the three liquid ferts from Fox Farm (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom). Now another noob question. When their feeding schedule says to...
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    Teeny Tiny Itsy Bitsy Plants for first attempt!?!?

    What type of soil are you using? How big are you solo cups? These babies may need to be transplanted. Are those cfls 100watts or 100w equivalents? They definitely look healthy to me. My guess is that they need more room to grow or don't have enough light.
  19. B

    what the f*ckkkkkkk is with the paper towel stuff lol

    I grow for personal only but I have had a 100% (don't fail me now) success rate with just dropping beans into moist soil and waiting 3-5 days. 100% and I'm a total noob.
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    Container vs. garden soil

    I haven't watered yet, soil was wet when I got it. My moisture meter reads moist (6/10)