Mixing nutes together

So, I recently got out of the whole miracle gro business because the soil was just too hot and was burning my babies.

I picked up some Happy Frog and the three liquid ferts from Fox Farm (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom).

Now another noob question. When their feeding schedule says to give 2 of those nutes in the same week, should I mix the 2 nutes together in a solution or separately? For example during flowering, it says to give Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom to the end.


Well-Known Member
Same gallon of water man. No need to keep them separate, they're both going into the same soil! ;) Glad to hear you're moving on up to some better nutes.
Ok, I was pretty sure I need to mix them together but didn't want to kill them because I don't know what I"m doing.

Thanks, man. Yeah I had to drop about $80 between the soil and nutes while all the stuff from Lowes cost about $15 total but you get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
Start fertilizing with 1/4 strength and step it up to full. Be careful with running the full amount of nutes they suggest. Usually fert manufacturers suggest 15-25% more fertilizer than you actually need in order to move more product. If you're feeding the listed amount and notice the beginnings of nute burn, drop the dose by 25%, flush them, and see what happens afterwards.
Thanks, again. I was planning on starting them at 1/4 because I've heard that over and over around here. Not really sure why just heard some people say it helps the plant adjust to the nutes. Either way, I learned quickly about nute burn from Miracle Gro. All their potting soils have slow release so when you water, you burn.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I use fox farm in conjunction with some organics. Guano's, Castings, etc. Still not super proficient at it sadly, but I'm getting better ;)