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  1. G

    Epilepsy and Medical MJ

    I have grand mal seizures. I was diagnosed with epilepsy from a very young age. I used to take Depokoate, which was giving me huge mood swings and packing on lbs, not to mention long term liver problems. I started smoking regularly in my early 20s, and have been seizure free since (except...
  2. G

    When should i turn it on?

    I would advise turning it on when you finish vegging - which depends on how big you want your plants. T5 is great for veg. I would suggest running the T5s for four weeks, before switching to 12-12 on HPS.
  3. G

    Switching to Soilless Medium, Please Advise!

    Hey folks! With harvest just a short week away, I'm starting to prepare for the next round of plants. I've been using Fox Farms soil, but based upon some reading, I am considering chaging to a soilless medium. Will be growing under 600W HPS light and will using 3.5 gallon pots. Can...
  4. G

    Troubleshooting Seeds

    I've been reading a few books since I posted this on the topic. It looks like the only solution is for me to scrap my genes and do it the "hard" way, without fem'd seeds, and then sex them myself. Fem'd seeds seem to make poor mothers. Learning experiance!
  5. G

    Troubleshooting Seeds

    Hey folks! I'm in Bloom stage, week 6 - running 10 White Widows. Setup = tent / 600W HPS / 3 side lights (t5h0) / complete Fox Fams nute cycle This is my second time. My first attempt had a problem - the crop had a good amount of seed to it, but I was able to salvage a good amount of it...
  6. G

    Isit ok to turn the lights on during dark cycle?

    It's true that the plants are never "totally" dark in nature. Of course, what we are trying to do is to grow indoors in an unnatural environment, with unnatural results (ie no seeds) In nature, a plant having seeds is a good thing - it's a way for the plant to perpetuate itself.
  7. G

    First Harvest!

    Blue Cheese is some of the best, tastiest stuff I have come across. Can't wait for mine to cure - it's so good I'm giving it the full five weeks! The problem with it is that it just didn't seem to be a strong yielder. The cones were small compared to the rest of the stuff. One plant yielded...
  8. G

    First Harvest!

    Thanks Kay. I totally neglected to mention that part of it - this has been one of the most fun experiments that I've ever done in my life. I firmly believe that, no matter how much good info is out there for you to read, the best way to learn something is to just jump in and experiment. You...
  9. G

    First Harvest!

    I'm posting this because when I had been researching this little project from the get-go, I had a hard time finding a thread that discussed what to expect in terms of a yield. My setup is a 600W HPS lamp in an indoor tent from Grow Labs. I had nine plants - one Pure Power, one Blue Cheese...
  10. G

    Max Yield

    Your question: Can You Trim Bud And Leave The Plant Alive To ReGrow Bud? Well, you *can*... but I wouldn't recommend it. You can trim the bud off a plant and try to "re-veg" it and regrow the same plant. It's technicially possible. The process stresses the plant immensely (making it...
  11. G

    Does plucking/pulling of fan leaves shock the plant?

    I am just finishing my first grow and I made the mistake of pruning the plants during bloom cycle. It made sense at the time due to my experiance with the vegetable garden outside - with tomatoes, for example, it's great to prune the "sucker growth", those low leaves at the bottom of the...
  12. G

    Barney's Farm LSD

    My experiance with LSD has, unfortuantely, not been as good as everyone elses. I'm on the final week right now of my thing - one LSD, one Blue Cheese, one Pure Power, and six White Widow. Of the strains mentioned, the LSD is the poorest producer of the bunch. I know it's impossible to eyeball...
  13. G

    Just harvested....confused

    just to bump this with an update: yeah, definately have some seeds... but thank god the tops are all still in good shape :) i have done a lot of reading and question asking to try to find out what i did that caused the plants to stress, and i think i've figured it out, although i'll be the...
  14. G

    Just harvested....confused

    I am having the exact same thing. Nine plants. Out of the nine, three of them have some seeds, but only on the low branches, not the top of the canopy. Been looking and looking but can't find any balls anywhere. The only thing I can think of is that maybe there was a small ball and it...
  15. G

    Flush FoxFarms Question

    Wish they did! So I guess the thing to do is to flush starting at the end of the 12th week? Or bypass the flush entirely?
  16. G

    Flush FoxFarms Question

    Hi guys, Was hoping someone can help me out. I'm following the nute schedule on the Fox Farms handout to a tee. My question is this - the handout doesn't say anything about flushing. I'm using soil for a medium (the FF Ocean Farms stuff, which is really amazing!) So do I flush at the...
  17. G

    wilting seedlings? pics

    I had the same thing with my WW seedlings. The leaves looked a little fatter and had rounder edges then I had seen with other strains. They drooped a little, but corrected themselves a couple weeks in. The rule of thumb I'm using is that if the leaves droop down, it's too much water, and if...
  18. G

    Stretching Issue

    They are in 3.5 pots, but there is still room to do that, so I will try standing them up and mounding the soil a little bit for support. Thanks so much for all the spot-on advice! I appreciate the help!
  19. G

    Stretching Issue

    Hey guys! The issue: During the very first week, the seedling stage, I noticed that a couple of my plants were stretching themselves out! They grew so tall that they soon flopped over because the steam was too weak to support the little leaves. I did a search through the forums and found...
  20. G

    Shipping with attitude

    They offer a "guaranteed shipping" option for about 20 extra bucks. If you choose that option, they will ship it with a shirt or a coffee mug or a CD case or something like that. I just got my first order from them yesterday - took exactly seven days.