Just harvested....confused

So I just chopped everything up and I noticed that 2 of my plants had seedy bud. My first thought obviously is hermies but they didn't polinate any of my other plants AND they don't seem to have any sacs, I never noticed them growing sacs at all throughout flowering. I guess about 3 weeks before harvest I started to notice what I thought were seeds but not anything before that. Is there any other way that they could have gotten seedy?
pics if you want help man
Guess i should have taken some, but now its a little late, everything is cut up and curing. Maybe i just wasnt looking at the right thing, but i didnt see any differences in any of the plants as far as what i could see. I do have clones off these plants, so i could flip them and a few weeks take pics.

mayb outside pollengot into ur grow room bro.
Very unlikely, my room is inside a room, and my nearest neighbors are a good distance, probably a good 100 feet to anyone, and thats the townhomes next door.


So I just chopped everything up and I noticed that 2 of my plants had seedy bud. My first thought obviously is hermies but they didn't polinate any of my other plants AND they don't seem to have any sacs, I never noticed them growing sacs at all throughout flowering. I guess about 3 weeks before harvest I started to notice what I thought were seeds but not anything before that. Is there any other way that they could have gotten seedy?
Was gonna ask this as well, I get this too. Not a lot of seeds, but good healthy looking seeds just the same. No males round here. I read somewhere that you can stress the plants with silver nitrate and perhaps other stresses and they will produce seeds.
I had decent seeds after just 4 weeks of flowering. Might wanna try germinating them, see if and how they gro.

Check this link out...


So I just chopped everything up and I noticed that 2 of my plants had seedy bud. My first thought obviously is hermies but they didn't polinate any of my other plants AND they don't seem to have any sacs, I never noticed them growing sacs at all throughout flowering. I guess about 3 weeks before harvest I started to notice what I thought were seeds but not anything before that. Is there any other way that they could have gotten seedy?
Was gonna ask this as well, I get this too. Not a lot of seeds, but good healthy looking seeds just the same. No males round here. I read somewhere that you can stress the plants with silver nitrate and perhaps other stresses and they will produce seeds.
I had decent seeds after just 4 weeks of flowering. Might wanna try germinating them, see if and how they gro.
I am having the exact same thing.

Nine plants. Out of the nine, three of them have some seeds, but only on the low branches, not the top of the canopy. Been looking and looking but can't find any balls anywhere. The only thing I can think of is that maybe there was a small ball and it opened and then I pruned the ball when I was pruning the low growth?

The top colas are still looking good. I've grown seeded bud before (on purpose lol) and so i know how the tops get FILLED with seeds.

I guess my question is this - if a plant has a few seeds, say less then a dozen, is it really going to lower the overall efficency of the THC at all?
It's bad when I'm trying to sell the bud. In quanttity I'm selling oz for 280. With seedy bud that numer is dropping fast. Not even sure how much I can get for it honestly
new and more seeds cant be all bad.

just to bump this with an update:

yeah, definately have some seeds... but thank god the tops are all still in good shape :)

i have done a lot of reading and question asking to try to find out what i did that caused the plants to stress, and i think i've figured it out, although i'll be the first to say i'm not 100% sure.

my theory: stress was caused by pruning, with sheers, of the lower limbs that were non producers. bear in mind that my seeds were fem'd to start with so they were easier to stress.

the balls must have grown lower, under the canopy. following the airflow, i can kind of slueth where i think it came from.

i'll probably end up with a good fifty - sixty seeds, and because they are from a hermie, i think they will all be femmed (which is great and all, but that means they will also be very likely to stress again under the slightest thing, sigh)

i am hoping to avoid repeating this by not pruning once the plant reaches it's bloom cycle, only pruning in veg.
I'm not sure how valid this is, but I heard that if you prune with a very sharp razor blade you avoid a bit of the stress that usually comes with pruning, and, you probably are, but try to get the cuts as straight as possible.

EDIT: Eep! Ignore that and refer to the post with the diagram below this!


Well-Known Member
All it takes is one hidden pollen sac to open and pollenate a few branches. If you had any heat issues during your grow, even for a day, this can cause a female plant to grow a hermie pollen sac, and one will do it. I had this happen while I was learnig to deal with CA heat and a new 1000 w lamp. One day got above 100 in my room and bam a couple pollen sacs ahowed up on a couple different plants, plucked them right off and of course missed a couple too. I have a few beans to deal with but nothing big, i'm gonna grow em.

Brick Top

New Member
I'm not sure how valid this is, but I heard that if you prune with a very sharp razor blade you avoid a bit of the stress that usually comes with pruning, and, you probably are, but try to get the cuts as straight as possible!

Whenever possible, if possible always cut any toppings or pruning you do at an angle and not flat/straight across and not to close to a node.

Plants heal better and faster with less chance of disease or infection or problems if any topping or pruning cuts are made at a slight angle.

Whenever possible, if possible always cut any toppings or pruning you do at an angle and not flat/straight across and not to close to a node.

Plants heal better and faster with less chance of disease or infection or problems if any topping or pruning cuts are made at a slight angle.

Oh! I am so glad you corrected me! I have been told wrong for quite some time now! I was always taught to only cut at an angle if you want to make a cutting, but that diagram makes perfect sense! Thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
those banana sacs are tricky to find. they usually come up at the very bottom of a bud, lower leaves usually hide them. ive dealt with 3 hermis and all 3 have popped male flowers in the same general area.

are you sure there were no light leaks into your room?