When should i turn it on?

Loki L.

So im a little confused, i have 2 t5's (2100 cool tubes) im using it for the beginning stage (seedlings < 2 weeks).

I have a 600w hps but im not sure when i should turn it on. I know i should use a MH bulb for veg. but im working with what i got.
Read up that its fine to use an hps for the whole grow so im going with that. They (5 fem. PPP and 1 Fem L.a. Confidential) are a week old and wondering when i should turn on the hps.
I would advise turning it on when you finish vegging - which depends on how big you want your plants.

T5 is great for veg.

I would suggest running the T5s for four weeks, before switching to 12-12 on HPS.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I agree. Although a HPS would be fine for vegging and flowering, the 600 watt seems a little too much with such a small amount of plants. The T5s are great for vegging and they stay a lot cooler I would imagine compared to my MH. Not too say it's too much light but probably not as efficient as far as electrical usage.


Well-Known Member

I use clones instead of seeds, but the principle isn't that different. I move my clones under my 400w MH when I transplant them into their permanent 5 gallon pot. They are usually about 4 inches tall at that point and have a good set of leaves going, and after a day or so of transplant shock they respond just fine. I flower under a 600w, so they move in there after 4 weeks of veg under the 400w (around 18-20 inches tall). If you wait until you seedling has about 3 sets of developed leaves you should be fine, but be careful not to put the light too close-it's going to take some adjustment to determine what the perfect height is to get maxium light without giving the plant heat stress issues.

Loki L.

thanks for the help guys, ill post pics soon. Its my first grow with this new setup and i just want it to go flawlessly.
: ]