looks good. I was forced to harvest early (couple weeks) and only got 2.5 oz's off 6 plants. Pretty upset with myself but I learned alot and what I got paid for the equipment I've bought and then some.
Been a while since I've updated :S They've been flowering for 5 weeks now. Pics are time-stamped ;) Not sure how much times left, 3 weeks? 4 weeks? *shrug*
I pulled the thermometer out of my BBQ and stuck it in the bowl. Came back an hour later (that long just to get a nice steady reading) and it was pretty close to the temp I wanted (in the 340-390 range). Then I just used a felt pen and made a mark on the knob and the can.
You can only blame yourself in this situation. You didn't give yourself the time to properly tend to your garden and therefore had to have someone else do it. Not their fault for being uneducated in the ways of cultivation. Finger points to you, close the thread and move on.
All exhaust must pass through a filter to scrub odor. Only exception is with a cooltube if your intake is from a seperate room you can exhaust it out of the room without a filter.
You'd also be better off with a passive intake so that your exhaust creates a vaccuum and no odor escapes cracks...
Genetic randomization creates personailty. Same with all living things. Don't tell me none of your plants have personality, they do. What is there for us after death? Nothing. Sure it'd be nice to believe that there is some greater purpose to it all but that just seems too easy. People have been...
Did some searching. Came across this:
some in amsterdam buy me 2 packs (1 to smoke, one to cherish lol).