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  1. T

    pruning question

    Thanks all. I'm going to try bending them. I know that pruning them in flower fucks with the plant's hormones and thus the end product's potency. If I do have to trim a little does any one know how significant the impact will be? Thanks.
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    pruning question

    I have 2 plants in a small group that are too tall. It's causing problems with light height and light exposure to my more normal sized plants. What's the best way to prune them to stay at the same height as the rest of my girls? The crop is bonus seed from afar; all are in flower, 2-4 weeks...
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    Auto AK47 + Lowryder2 400w HPS

    Nice looking grow dude. Can you tell me how you use the Molasses? If i'm going to mix it in with H2o roughly how much can I use per gallon of water? Also, I have a lot of preflowers but am not 100% on reading them. Is there any simple way to determine sex with initial preflowers or do I just...
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    Confused Plants

    I've got a few plants going, about 6 weeks. It just got cold here and 40% of them are growing asymmetrically all of a sudden as if beginning to flower. They on 18/6. Anyone ever see this before? Anything I can do? CFL grow of Widow.
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    Spider mites!

    I've had okay luck misting with a solution of 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% H2o and a few drops of dish soap. (Be sure to check the strength of the alcohol on the bottle.) It doesn't seem to solve the problem but will help keep it under control and it's not poison. The alcohol dries the mites...
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    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    It’s all a Chinese box. Pull back the red curtain to find you are staring at the blue one.
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    What's up with this plant

    Hoping some of you have seen this before. This looks like a mix of Nut. burn and spider mites. We got the spider mites under control. This is one of 8 plants and definitely the runt of the litter. None of the other plants are showing this burning and I feed them all the same thing at the...
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    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    This is probably a really stupid nube question but here goes: Is there no use for all the leaves? I just pulled out my male plants and have a ton of leaves that we trimmed before getting rid of them. 1st time grow. Flowering for 2 weeks. Just now able to tell sex mainly by watching for...
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    vinegar ph adjusted water for germination

    How did you do that to you water's PH? My soil is 7+ and my water is at 8. Don't know how to bring them down since none of the stores around here carry anything for that. Or, if they do, I'm asking the wrong questions.
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    CFL stress?

    Oh also, I know my PH is a little high. How do you adjust that? I asked at the local Lowe's but they said they didn't carry anything that did that.
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    CFL stress?

    I’m adding some pictures so you can see what’s going on. I see three problems: 1) Yellowing of older leaves and some redness in the stems 2) Dead spots on the leaves of some of the younger plants 3) Old leaves drying out and curling up on the younger plants. I did a soil test with one...
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    CFL stress?

    I have 10 plants that had been under tub flours (50-60watts @ cool and warm white) for about 6 weeks. A little small and stretchy but otherwise looking great. Started from bag seed. Bought them some lamps: 4 CFLs at 100 watts/2700 and 4 at 80 watts/5000. They have been getting this light...
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    1st grow running into some problems

    Thanks to all. I did a soil test and was surprised: PH is normalish: 7-7.5; N= low, Phosphorous = low to medium; Potash = normal. I do know that the water here tends to be in the 8 range PH wise according to the annual city report on h2o quality. So now I'm completely confused. I've seen a...
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    1st grow running into some problems

    really?? The big guys are in 2.5 gallon pots. I do have a few smaller ones in 1 gall pots and a couple of straggler in solo cups but I'm not really worried about them.
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    1st grow running into some problems

    Not misting. Watering in a bathtub so runoff is hard to gauge but I'll get that figured out - like the cup idea. Soil is Scott's Moisture Control, lights are 42W CFLs plus tube fluorescents. Thanks.
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    1st grow running into some problems

    This my first attempt. We have 10 plants all between 45-60 days old. They were under bad lighting until 2 weeks ago so they are a little stretched. Now with much more lighting in both 2700k and 5000k they seem to be filling out and growing more quickly. My problem is all of a sudden a bunch...
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    Sex and health questions oh my...

    Thanks. First timer... They are on a mixed diet of sky light and low wattage CFL. I was planning on getting 2 65W CFLs but have sort of been holding off due to the low opinion most people seem to have of CFLs. Local stores make putting together a HPS light sort of problematic. Sounds like I...
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    Sex and health questions oh my...

    Newbie with a couple of questions. Pix are attached. I'm trying to figure out the sex of my plants. They are between 30-50 days old and are starting to show preflowers (I think). there are some distinct differences but I need a little help recognizing what is what since I do not have balls...
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    Is a 100% CFL grow possible?

    Been reading "MJ Hort..." which has been very helpful. I have very limited space and electrical work to support both an HPS and MH light is not doable. However, I do have half day direct sun via a sky light into a bathroom. Can I grow a crop using 100% CFL and skylight or am I just wasting...
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    Odor question

    Thanks. I've looked at those and it looks pretty easy. I've got it in my head that for that to work the room needs to be sealed and the exaust vented outside. Is that true or can I just build it and stick it in the room with the plants?