pruning question


I have 2 plants in a small group that are too tall. It's causing problems with light height and light exposure to my more normal sized plants.

What's the best way to prune them to stay at the same height as the rest of my girls? The crop is bonus seed from afar; all are in flower, 2-4 weeks in. Buds are forming nicely but these are just tall, lanky, messy plants I want to bring some order and density to. Probably pure sativas running amuck in a group of hybrids.

Oh also, my seeds seem to be germinating slowly. Can those guys sense the time of year based on soil temp. They’re in a warm spot but I’m sure the soil is cooler than my first batch which seemed to sprout really quickly back in August. I live in SW US.

Thanks in advance for the help!


Well-Known Member
i dont think there is much you can do about the height now because there flowering if they were veggin u could do something. try and tie them down if ya can.



Well-Known Member
some have spoken highly of super cropping for this situation
the bud stem is bent just enough to create an angle, repeat as needed to shape
haven't needed myself so can't advise any further


Well-Known Member
You could prop up the not so tall plants by putting CD cases underneath the pots, enough to even all the plants out.. (woop for recycling) although it depends on your growing technique, if its just standard pots.. this should work ok for you.


Thanks all. I'm going to try bending them. I know that pruning them in flower fucks with the plant's hormones and thus the end product's potency. If I do have to trim a little does any one know how significant the impact will be?



Well-Known Member
better to tie with string than trim
the more you trim, the less energy is available for bud formation