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    Seeds Won't Germinate?

    Hey there, I've tried planting two seeds, but neither of them have germinated, any suggestions? The first time, I used the wet paper towel in a dark box method. After it didn't germinate after three days, I decided to just stick it in soil under a CFL and hope for the best. After about a week...
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    is a 600 watt too much for this???

    Not necessarily. The law of limiting factors dictates that whichever factor (eg light level, co2 level, amount of nutes, amount of water) is at the lowest level will define the rate of growth. So that means that using a more powerful light will only increase yield if light is the limiting factor
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    Electric Bill

    Ok, heres an idea: I expect there are two reasons people get busted for energy use: 1. Higher power consumption, as has already been discussed. 2. Regularity of switching. If you have a mechanical timer, the lights will switch on and off at exactly the same time each day So heres my idea: It...
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    UVB Light to stimulate THC production

    Hmm, I've also heard sucess stories too, plus I've laready bought a bulb, so I guess I might as well give it a try. Same's true in humans - UVB rays can cause skin cancer for us, yet we still choose to sunbathe in order to get a tan - sometimes seemingly bad things can bring positive end...
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    UVB Light to stimulate THC production

    Thanks for the advice. I think I'll go for one of those 10.0 CFL ones (ie the ones which fit in a normal light socket and look like energy saving bulbs)
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    UVB Light to stimulate THC production

    Ah right, thanks for the advice :) How long do you run it for? The video that aeviaanah pointed me towards recommended 5 hours a day. Just watched it, very interesting. Cheers! Ok I'm sold :D +rep to all 3 of you :)
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    Yet another positive review for attitude

    Prices aren't bad. They throw in free stuff with pretty much every order. Items arrived quickly, stealth delivery options are really useful - for £1, they'll post the seeds inside a DVD case, so if anyone gets suspicious, you can just say it was a game/a DVD etc. Plus, an added bonus: they're UK...
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    UVB Light to stimulate THC production

    I've just been reading on wikipedia that scientists think THC might have been used by plants to block out UVB rays, much like we slap on suncream when its sunny to avoid sunburn. So that made me think, maybe you could stimulate THC production by exposing the plant to UVB rays, for example from a...
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    Electric Bill

    Amerifags, you might wanna consider getting 230V (british/european) grow lights, and wiring them into your 208V circuit. In general, higher voltage=higher efficiency=lower power consumption. Thats why your water heater and air con probably run off 208V. (Here in the UK, we use 230V for everyday...
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    infrared police helicopters Oh and another thought: the nintendo wii remote has an infrared...
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    How to grow short plants?

    Ooo, just looked that up. Thanks, I'll have to give that a try too. It looks a bit like my idea of moving the lights
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    rabbit poop for fertilizer

    I was actually just reading about that, literally just before I read this post... wierd. I found this page: Looks a bit silly with all the cartoony pictures, but theres a chart further down the page. It says rabbit manure is 2.4-1.4-0.6. I doubt your rabbits...
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    Reusing potting soil

    From a theoretical point of view, I recon it should be ok - soil is soil, and any remaining nutrients should get used up pretty quickly (just to be safe, i'd probably flush it with water first). But I speak from theoretical knowledge, not experience.
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    How to grow short plants?

    Just had a look at your grow - those are some nice looking plants, so cheers - I'll try that! And jact55, your topping idea sounds good - I might give that a go too.
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    How to grow short plants?

    Cheers for the advice, but I've heard that blue mystic starts flowering pretty much straight away, theres hardly any veg phase at all, so that doesnt give me much room to play with...
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    How to grow short plants?

    Are there any special techniques I can use to make sure my plants don't grow tall (other than cutting bits off xD)? I'm doing a stealth grow with about a metre of headroom, so I want my blue mystic to grow fairly short. How can I acheive this? Any specific lighting conditions/nutritents to use...
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    Florida Growers Thread

    Ooh, $40/quarter still isn't bad, thanks for the advice. +rep for the helpful local knowledge, good sir :)
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    Florida Growers Thread

    Ah, you mean that "brick weed" stuff? Yeah, that sounds bad 3000th post btw, woot!
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    Florida Growers Thread

    Whoa, $120.... thats a hell of a lot. $20/quarter aint bad at all though, but I'm guessing its shit stuff?
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    Kays Discount Garden Supplies - Review

    Oh and is there a better forum for me to post this in? I don't see any forums for reviews of non-seed related supliers