How to grow short plants?

Are there any special techniques I can use to make sure my plants don't grow tall (other than cutting bits off xD)?
I'm doing a stealth grow with about a metre of headroom, so I want my blue mystic to grow fairly short. How can I acheive this? Any specific lighting conditions/nutritents to use? I'm thinking of moving the light from left to right every few days, that way it'll grow in a sort of S shape (towards the light), but i expect this would make them unstable


Well-Known Member
Just watch the amount of time you spend in the veg cycle.. 18/6. It will still grow vertically in bloom/flower but not as much. I am not sure the s thing will effect the hight that much as you only have a meter to play with. Also, remember to use mylar as a way of using light more effeciantly without adding heat. I have only grown about 3 times and this is just my 2 cents. Also, remember to have fun.


Well-Known Member
top you plants and low stress train them. also as irie said, keep your veg time down. i dont think that moving the light around is going to help. there are faqs on how to top and train. good luck
Just watch the amount of time you spend in the veg cycle.. 18/6. It will still grow vertically in bloom/flower but not as much. I am not sure the s thing will effect the hight that much as you only have a meter to play with. Also, remember to use mylar as a way of using light more effeciantly without adding heat. I have only grown about 3 times and this is just my 2 cents. Also, remember to have fun.
Cheers for the advice, but I've heard that blue mystic starts flowering pretty much straight away, theres hardly any veg phase at all, so that doesnt give me much room to play with...


Well-Known Member
It has alot to do with the lighting, if you are using CFLs just lower them to where they almost touch the plant, this will give you short bushy plants. Check my grow for instance my plants are both short and bushy. I have done no LST, i topped them once but that just makes more tops did not affect height. Good luck on your grow
It has alot to do with the lighting, if you are using CFLs just lower them to where they almost touch the plant, this will give you short bushy plants. Check my grow for instance my plants are both short and bushy. I have done no LST, i topped them once but that just makes more tops did not affect height. Good luck on your grow
Just had a look at your grow - those are some nice looking plants, so cheers - I'll try that!

And jact55, your topping idea sounds good - I might give that a go too.


Active Member
you may want to try an LST grow due to the fact that your yield will probably be a little larger this way.


Well-Known Member
if you don't want to train, the shortest plant you will get is by starting the plant under 12/12 light cycles
there's a thread for that method(and results) under the indoor growing forum


Active Member
training can be lots of fun =) and its a good way to increase yield as well! i may be a little biased towards it, do what method is best for you!