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  1. shadowmansm

    Do i need to ventilate 24/7?

    Suspend fans by wire.... that will cut down nearly all vibration noise. Other than that, using a fan that moves more air but slowing down the rpm will allow a lot of air to be moved while keeping the sound low. ...or like others said, put em on a timer but don't keep them off for too long.
  2. shadowmansm

    After harvest will the plant reveg?

    I have revegged my Blue Mystic twice and the yields after were similar to the first. Also, I must say, potency was stronger in my opinion. Although I have done it twice before, this time they didn't make it... :(
  3. shadowmansm

    First Harvest! Guess my yield!

    Yep, I agree with this guy. CHRONZA, 4 - 5 pounds, ahahahahahaha! Btw, they are lookin' beautiful!
  4. shadowmansm

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    This is my Blue Mystic from Nirvana, this is from my previous grow, much more frosty this time around. I will be updating my grow journals in a little bit, my latest grow will be added, last week of flower! :joint: :hump::hump: :blsmoke:
  5. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 2nd 400-1400w Closet Grow

    Hello RIU and welcome to my second grow journal. My last batch were unknown dank seeds and had to be harvested early, this time around I have a much better setup and am already two and a half weeks into flowering. The setup is as follows: Ladies 5 x (Fem) Blue Mystic [Nirvana] ...only two of...
  6. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow

    Just wanted to finish this journal before I start my new one. This batch was chopped late March due to moving into a new place. I ended up yeilding 10g dry and although the nice smell and good burn the high was very short obviously due to the early harvest. I have a new grow currently two and...
  7. shadowmansm

    2 Foot Cola Grown w/ 3-23watt CFL's

    I agree, very nice for the conditions it was given.
  8. shadowmansm

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I water once a day, 3gal pots, mixture of chips/fine coir with ~10% perlite and my runoff after I water is about 60%. I have heard you want 10-20% so what would be the downfall to how much runoff I have vs what I should have?
  9. shadowmansm

    Blue Mystic, Coco Coir, Help.

    Mods, please move this to the "Marijuana Plant Problems" section please, ty.
  10. shadowmansm

    Blue Mystic, Coco Coir, Help.

    Blue Mystic @ ~month 3 Gal Square Pots Coco Coir, Planting Mix and Planting Chips w/ Perlite 40-40-20 Tap Water @ 5.8-6.1ph (treated for chlorine) Temp 75-90F Humid 40-60% Minimal nutes 1/8 strengh @ 2 weeks w/ Cal/Mag supplement 2 fans, one oscillating and one stationary Water 1-2 daily w/ ~50%...
  11. shadowmansm

    Knat problem

    Got this stuff at a local hydroponics shop the other day, FoxFarm's Don't Bug Me; WORKS great and can be used all the way till harvest with no ill effects. ~$12 for a bottle of it.
  12. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow

    I have been flowering for nearly a week and a half and I feel my progress is slow, others have tree's compared to me at similar stage of growth. I knew I would be behind because of complications before but I didn't expect this. Tallest is around 17" while others around 13". I just started...
  13. shadowmansm

    Last nights harvest!

    They look nice but could we get a before harvest pic?
  14. shadowmansm

    Trying to determine sex. is this male?

    No way to tell yet, still too early. Looks healthy, good work.
  15. shadowmansm

    New grower pic of bulbs are these ok?

    Those will work and they are 6500k so they are good for veging, consider upgrading to some higher wattage bulbs or more of these. Consider Jack's Classic Dynamic Duo as it is inexpensive but adequate.
  16. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow

    So I switched to my HPS bulb today and I was looking at the MH that I just used and noticed some white and a little yellow buildup on the inside of the bulb where the light is emitted, is this normal? Will this degrade the light coming out? Here are some pictures, hopefully they are clear enough.
  17. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow

    So, it's been a week and a half since my last update, lots of progress. There has been some nute burn but it's pretty much under control now and the really rough looking one had to be flushed because of nute burn/lock. I accidently overwatered them again, ugh; this cheap Home Depot soil is...
  18. shadowmansm

    Burnt's micro SOG

    I see that you snip the ends of some of your leaves, do you find that this stunts growth even though the rest of the leaves are green? I was snipping some but read that its better to just let the plant decide when to get rid of its leaves if needed.
  19. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow

    Transplanted to 5 gal buckets (only using ~3.5 gal of soil for this grow) two mornings ago and they are looking great again. Here are some pics this morning when they woke up. Light is ~ 30-32" and as they grow I will keep it around 24" as that seems to be the sweet spot.
  20. shadowmansm

    ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow

    So it's been nearly two weeks since my last post. Here are pics taken today and I believe I overwatered the last time so they are a little droopy today.