Knat problem


So I bought this MG organic soil at stupid walmart and the soil had sat outside obviously b/c it was way wet had to leave it open outside a day before using it to dry some and either sitting at my house or at walmart or SOMEWHERE knat eggs were layed in it b/c now I have a bunch of knats flying around in my f'n closet. What is a cheap easy to get anywhere kind of solution for these pesky rascals? I am mid flower on half the plants in the room if this at all matters.


Well-Known Member
Diamatacious earth and go gnats(cedar oil or even neem) should take care of them sticky traps (yellow) a bowl of apple cider and vinegar with some soap will attract and drown them. Or if ur patient and preffer a lot of f'in lady bugs and once they die a good clean and a praying mantis


Active Member
Hot Shot No Pest strip will take care of em. Leave in there about a week then write the date on it with a sharpie marker and put in a baggie for future use.


Got this stuff at a local hydroponics shop the other day, FoxFarm's Don't Bug Me; WORKS great and can be used all the way till harvest with no ill effects. ~$12 for a bottle of it.
Suffocate eggs under soil by cuttin a piece of cardboard in a circle and fit it around the stem, keep it on no more than a week or two so u dont harm ur plant, this will lessen there number greatly.
next time use ph balance soil like coco it will lessen a lot of problems, note ph balance soil has no nutrients u gotta add em to ur water.


what is coco??? and where can I get it? i don't have a "local" hydroponics shop. theres a nursery in town but no hydroponics shop. i've never been to the nursery. Is there any difference when using coco to soil??


Well-Known Member
If they are fungus gnats u can put sliced circles of potato on the top of the soil and the larva will be attracted to it then just throw it away to get rid of them. They can be a pesky problem if you dont attack where they come from u will never get rid of them. The sticky bug sheets are great too placed right above the soil, I set some right on the brim of the pots.