New grower pic of bulbs are these ok?

I have 3 Big Bulbs and 1 little plant bulb i bought them from walmat have them installed in b room is this going to be enough for pot or am i going 2 need cfls too??? please reply


Well-Known Member
sorry, but those lights are practically worthless. cfl's have 3 times the light for the same wattage. you need about 100 actual watts of cfl per small plant by the time you are flowering.
yea i bought a bunch of them in the room i have 3 more outlites can i use these until i get my nexed paycheck and then add 3 cfls to the situation and use both during the growing proces? use 3 big plant lights 1 small plant light and 3 cfls?


In my opinon, dont.... it'll just be a waste and your plants will suffer from all kind of disorders from these lights. There in fact USELESS, just wait and get CFL or HPS.... dont use these at all..


Well-Known Member
can i use these until i get my nexed paycheck and then add 3 cfls to the situation and use both during the growing proces?

use 3 big plant lights 1 small plant light and 3 cfls?
trying to be practical here with what you have and your budget - go ahead with what you have but add the cfl's as soon as you can. the other lights are not worth the electricity and heat they produce so ditch them when you add cfl's. to get decent bud you are going to need 100 actual watts of cfl or more, depending on the size of your plant.

i bought some of these are these correct cfls for the job i returned the other ones i kept two of the plant bulbs because its cold where i live and my house is cold and i think it would be good for the seed germination what do u think? are these the right bulbs and will it hurt my seedlings to use these in conjuction with the plant bulbs in the other pic
i also have a fan vent in the b room im using for a grow room would this be adiquit for ventalation when my seedlings grow up? its like a fart fan i have two of those plant bulbs and 2 of those cfls 26 watt as seen in the pics i also used mirical grow mostier and water controll fertalizing soil because when i was 15 i tried to grow pot and some kinda spider web fungi in the soil killed my plant and the soil was wet will this be good with my seedlings and what kinda fitlizer can i use if i can use it with a pre feterlized miricel grow soil


Those will work and they are 6500k so they are good for veging, consider upgrading to some higher wattage bulbs or more of these. Consider Jack's Classic Dynamic Duo as it is inexpensive but adequate.


Well-Known Member
their fine to use... u just need a better a mh or hps..look up their only 160 bucks or so on that website....i got a hps and put those lil green bulbs at the bottom of the canopy with other cfl and uvb bulbs


Well-Known Member
those shouldnt be ur MAIN light tho..wont amount to much and if u dont put them where they should be u can stretch ur plants or burn em pretty easily


Well-Known Member
those bulbs are perfect for now for one plant. you'll need more light when you get to the flowering stage, and you'll want 2400k instead of 6500k.

you have a good enough set up for ventilation to give the plants fresh air - you may need to add another fan to keep the area cool enough.

miracle grow soil is tough to use because you can't control the amount of fertilizer the plant is getting since its already in the soil. if you have some plain potting soil laying around that is better. fertilizer is a long subject by itself - better that you read up on it on this site in the stickies and faq.


Well-Known Member
will you guys quit telling this guy he need HID lighting he can do what he needs to on cfls. yes HID is better but he obviously has a tight budget.

dude get a few more cfls, read up on nutes and grow it.


Well-Known Member
if ur using cfls u need to build a enclosure or light will just b all over the place..take a pic of ur set up and everybody can have a better idea what u got goin and give u better advice......