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  1. RedKasper

    constant venting or periodic?????

    I run mine 24/7 and I think most people would agree. It definitely helps control mold, pests, and humidity.
  2. RedKasper

    Flowering Question...

    I've often wondered the same thing....
  3. RedKasper

    quick question? about watering

    Watering too often will bring a multitude of problems...including bugs, mold, root rot, and overall poor plant heatlh. It's important to spread your watering cycle apart to prevent these things.
  4. RedKasper

    Pruning and Trimming for Flowering

    Although I hate cutting ANY leaves at all because they are beneficial to the plant, depending on the strain and size, I will sometimes cut the lower branches for the exact reasons you stated. I've had mold and gnat problems in the past, pretty bad at times. Cutting the lower branches has...
  5. RedKasper


    If it's only 1 plant...shouldn't be a problem. But I would definitely get some more CFL's. Home Depot sells some 300w equivalent CFL's for pretty cheap.
  6. RedKasper

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I'm sure this place has been mentioned b4 but.... Better Grow Hydro They are a quality and respectable business that sells everything you need. Best of all, they have a price guarantee. They will match any price. Furthermore, they have an excellent return policy and...
  7. RedKasper


    The smell is really going to depend on what strain your growing and the amount. It sounds like your doing a small grow, 1-4 plants, so I wouldn't worry too much. If your living in an apartment or nearby another house...then a filter system might be neccessary. Do you live in CA? Do you...
  8. RedKasper

    stupid question

    yah...there are a few methods to quick dry, but you will lose alot of the potency and good taste. I would wait it out if you can...but I know how that feeling is when you dont have
  9. RedKasper

    stupid question

    You need a bud to smoke right now? lol
  10. RedKasper

    stupid question

    Not a stupid question.... won't hurt the plant.
  11. RedKasper

    What do I need to do to yield a pound/month?

    You can definitely yield a 1lb from your setup, but just not every month. Unless you have another room setup for vegging, your gonna have to wait a bit longer. Furthermore, if your planning on buying "vegged" clones from a dispensary....that's gonna be a little difficult. First off, I don't...
  12. RedKasper

    The eye in the sky, can they see me?

    Like everyone else said.....nothing to worry about.
  13. RedKasper


    lol...let me try to break this down for you.... If your new to marijuana and you want to buy a digital volcano vaporizer...well that's just like a brand new 16 year-old driver buying a Ferrari. Simple Answer - Digital Volcano Vaporizer is the best smoking/vaping device available. Hands...
  14. RedKasper

    Day 39 of am I doing?

    yah....give it at least another couple weeks...but they are looking good :)
  15. RedKasper

    indoor newbie concerns

    To answer your question...yes sloshy.....u can use just grow big and big bloom and it will be just fine. That's the only nutrients I use and I've had great results. I'm using a 400w hps/mh, and I've been able to yield 2-4 oz's per plant with just those ferts.
  16. RedKasper

    !!!1st timer in need of advice!!!

    With the lights your using....your looking at a 1/4 oz per plant of some very very very fluffy pot. You are going to need some proper lights.
  17. RedKasper

    Best Nutrients?

    I don't know if anyone here can tell you what the "best" nutrients are because that's a pretty subjective question.....but.....I use the Fox Farm Nutrient Trio-Pack that costs around $40-50 and comes with everything you need for a few grows of 4-6 plants. I've had great results with it.
  18. RedKasper

    Help please asap, i need soil now

    I've had decent success with Miracle Grow in the past...but I always go with Fox Farm Ocean Forest these days. If you have a choice...go Fox Farm. But it's definitely possible to get some nice buds with the Miracle Grow. Just make sure you get the Organic one that doesn't have the...
  19. RedKasper

    no more air exchange

    that was one really long sentence...i couldn't find a period anywhere.
  20. RedKasper

    URGENT HPS question...

    I currently run a 400 Watt HPS system.... and let me tell you...It would be impossible for my plants to survive without an inline fan pulling the heat away from my light. Compared to floros and CFL's, HPS systems produce an incredible amount of more heat. If you take a look at most 400W HPS...