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  1. edubb376

    cfl hps lighting, need advice

    hey guys i just got a 150w hps light from a friend of mine after haveing a horrible first grow. anyways my question is, i have 2 150w cfls and one 150w hps. im thinking of starting a clone with the cfls and start the hps along with both cfls when im ready to flower. anyone got any input? also i...
  2. edubb376

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    no webs i dont see anything except one or two flies once in a while i used a spray solution of 50 50 water and alcahol and yes they are flowering i believe i only have 2 maybe 3 weeks left, ima check the 'crystals' tonight when the lights come on
  3. edubb376

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    can anyone tell me why this is happening i was told it was spider mites but i havent been able to see any ive been sprayin with neem oil and it just keeps getting worse about 10 leaves have fallen off. please help im desprate at this point i will forever be indebited to you
  4. edubb376

    Ready?? + Pics

    looks great bro. howd you get such a big yeild on your first time? i must be doin something wrong
  5. edubb376

    Question about light timing..

    my timer did the same to me when i started flowering but i just went on and it was fine, during veg i did 24/0 if your not guna get a new timer you should probally just tryin the 24/0 cycle that way you wont have to worry about it goin out
  6. edubb376

    How much longer must I wait ?! This is killin me!

    damn man thats some set up i thought about addin lights at the bottom of my box too but have no room, your buds look nice too i thought i was almost done but seeing yours makes me wana wait longer. but from everything ive read once them 'crystals' turn that milky color its time to chop.
  7. edubb376

    I need to know if my plants are ready to be sexed.....

    if you keep it in veg you should have a higher nitrogen level, if your guna start flowering use a fert with a higher level of potassium
  8. edubb376

    yellow spots on fan leaves need some help

    ok so i checked but i really didnt see anything i sprayed it with soapy water cause i cant find any leem oil. its gettin worse but its not on all the branches. i only have like 2 maybe 3 weeks left before harvest, you think ill be ok as long as i keep sprayin it with the water or should i go get...
  9. edubb376

    yellow spots on fan leaves need some help

    can someone please help me diagnose the problem and give me a solution, im a newbie and dont wana loose my first to some avoidable b.s. thank you guys in advance
  10. edubb376

    New England Low-Budget CFL Cabinet Grow

    im using the same lining (emergancy blanket) and my heat level is alright. i used a small personal fan to blow by some holes on the bottom of my box. i duno if that helps but its an idea
  11. edubb376

    ferts for soil grow

    i figured it would be fine i just wanted to make sure before i went ahead and did it tho, thanx for the timely response johnny kudos to u and ur green buddies
  12. edubb376

    ferts for soil grow

    hey guys i cant seem to find out if 5-10-10 is good for a plant in the flowerin phase of growth. it has its first buds coming along and i heard the something like 15-30-30 or 15-30-15, would i be fine using the 5-10-10? please let me know a.s.a.p. so i can add already. and thank you for any and...
  13. edubb376

    first timer needs help

    i water about every 2-3 days i fert every time but just a drop or two of vf-11 but i think joecal1 might be right i left out of town and the person watchin it didnt do his job the top touched the light and burned. however this leaf was at a lower spot and i doubt it touched the light
  14. edubb376

    first timer needs help

    sorry the above url wasnt working
  15. edubb376

    first timer needs help

    i started my flowering stage about a week ang but my leaves, a few of them, have a problem as you can see in the attached foto please help any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated:leaf:
  16. edubb376

    leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?

    could this be lack of watering as well?
  17. edubb376

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    can anyone plaease help i just started my clone in flower stage 2 days ago and this is what happened what can i da, also the leaves are startin to dry out a little
  18. edubb376

    My plants are sad... Wilting and drooping

    i have the same problem with my green buddy, i just started the flowering process so you can imagine how bad i felt when i saw it. im just going to listen to ya'll and leave it unwatered for another day or so. (this is the second day of droopage)
  19. edubb376

    clone preflowers?

    my green buddy is only about 8"-10" tall do you really think it'll put out an oz? i got it in a small space. one more ? is the plant its self gonna be done with after it flowers or do i keep it and continue on, does it flower right after or does it take years?
  20. edubb376

    clone preflowers?

    hey guys im new to the grow scene so i got a simple ? im growing an afghani #1 clone indoors with a 100w cfl at 24/7 im 2 weeks in and was wondering if i was getting preflowers and if so should i start the flowering process also when i start the flowering process would it be better to do a...