New England Low-Budget CFL Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
I would recommend moving to a bigger pot soon. My seedlings were already rootlocked at that size.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend moving to a bigger pot soon. My seedlings were already rootlocked at that size.
I will try to get my hands on a 1gal or 5gal bucket soon.
I just transplanted it from an plastic cup to the bottom half of a 2liter bottle.
A few days after I moved it, it seemed to grow pretty rapidly. :weed:
I'm getting about a new set of 5 point leaves everyday and right now I can see a baby set of 7 point leaves.
At the nodes of the lower leaf sets more leaves are growing, so it would seem that light is penetrating pretty easily.
The big leaves seem to be drooping though. Anyone know why?

Pics up later today. :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Added another bulb and replanted in bigger bucket.
Plants growing pretty rapidly!
A lot of growth under the main leaves does this mean there will be dense buds there will it block light from there?
Any comments welcome.

Here is a nice picture dump from today! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
looks pretty man...mine have the same growth under the main leaves...keep up the good work! you only have one plant(sorry if already posted)?


Well-Known Member
looks pretty man...mine have the same growth under the main leaves...keep up the good work! you only have one plant(sorry if already posted)?
Yea I only have the one.
I started with 4 but 3 of them died and I tried doing another from seed but it died too.
I need all the luck in the world for this to be a girl! :?


Well-Known Member
since your doing a SCRoG from what it looks like and you only have 1 plant, why not move the lights around the sides to prmote growth horizontally.


Well-Known Member
Yea I only have the one.
I started with 4 but 3 of them died and I tried doing another from seed but it died too.
I need all the luck in the world for this to be a girl! :?
LOL woah man when did this thing blow up so damn much? It went from almost dying to crazy growth, good job :clap:


Well-Known Member
LOL woah man when did this thing blow up so damn much? It went from almost dying to crazy growth, good job :clap:
Yea. Thanks man.
For security reasons this grow is being moved to a friends. I hope he survives.
He's going into veg with my friends 50 NL and Strawberry Cough clones :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Noooooo! I was so enjoying the tough little fighter's progress. Plan on trying another grow soon? This was a thoroughly enjoyable thread.


Well-Known Member
Noooooo! I was so enjoying the tough little fighter's progress. Plan on trying another grow soon? This was a thoroughly enjoyable thread.
Thanks dude!
I have something in the proccess! ;)
I am just afraid to post it because the caps have been sitting outside my house 2 times a day. Maybe it is nothing but maybe it isn't haha.


Well-Known Member
It sucks balls that it had balls. But I would have atleast 3 plants. What's the odds of all 3 being male? I could never bank months of waiting on one plant.


Well-Known Member
Started my new grow a few weeks ago.
Went with 15 starters this time! :D
Right on! Let's make sure this time eh? I myself have just moved the 9 biggest plants to bigger pots, that are now in the grow box for the final stretch of vegging. There are also 21 little plants in little pots on the windowsill in the sun! They are my standbys, he he.


im using the same lining (emergancy blanket) and my heat level is alright. i used a small personal fan to blow by some holes on the bottom of my box. i duno if that helps but its an idea


Active Member
the one thing never thought about in a stealth grow. is ventalation. man.. i say.. put something in a closet.. so u can either vent into the attic.. or vent into the walls of the house. i have a friend who runs ducting into a hole in the wall.. and it actually heats his entire house.. in the winter free heat and no smelll.


Active Member
and anothre thing .. u cant have ur room the grow is in .. at 80 and then think ur box with lights in it.. and shit.. is going to stay under 90 is crazy.. so just remember if u must. make a window box and bring cool air into the box man.. ur temps are going to be the deciding factor on how ur bud turns out believe me.. to hot and ur going to have airy crap that ull be mad that u wasted ur time with a tiny harvest.. i did it for a year and a half man .. it was retarded.

if u can grow ? then just grab a small tent.. a 400 w switchable.. and do it and take the risk and actually get something worth calling a harvest u know what i mean.. after buying all the bulbs.. and all the stuff for a little cab.. i could of just done it the right way and saved madddd money.. talking from experience