leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?


So i noticed to day that the leaves were drooping really badly and before today i noticed that some of the leaves were hardcore curling down on the sides of the leaf. I asked people what they thought it might be a few days ago and they told me that it could be over watering or over fertilizing so i stopped fertilizing (btw the tips of the leaves are fine which is why i don't think that its over fert) and i stopped watering ... well now the top two inches of soil are completely dry and now starting at the bottom and workin its way up the leaves are drooping in addition to the other issues... someone also told me to flush but i don't have enough water (i use bottled spring water) and i just got my ph level right and don'[t want to use the high ph tap water... what in gods name should i do... i'll attach some pics...



Well-Known Member
you may just need to water it. my soil plants droop and all i do is water em, they perk rite bak up, but if there is discoloration in the leaves, try to take better pix of those and post em. maybe ill know what it is.


Active Member
Have bigger intervals inbetween watering, and make sure you water when its just about necessary. (water the day after you feel it is necessary & treat like it weed let it search for its water)


see thats weird because i watered it and the droopyness went away... but the curling of the leaves didn't

Phily Kelly

Active Member
It looks to me like underwatering the soil in the pictures looks V dry also could be another underlying problem


you may just need to water it. my soil plants droop and all i do is water em, they perk rite bak up, but if there is discoloration in the leaves, try to take better pix of those and post em. maybe ill know what it is.
could this be lack of watering as well?


Well-Known Member
It's almost always overwatering, but yours doesn't like like it. Overwatering makes the leaves curl down and droop also. You are just seeing stem droopage which is usually caused by underwatering.

Look, watering isn't that complicated, wait until you are SURE your pot is dry. Pick it up. Note how heavy that pot is. Water the plant FULLY. I mean damn near flood the thing, definitely should have water draining out the bottom.

Pick the pot up again, very heavy now....when the pot gets back to very light again, water again. Take note how long it takes, probably 2-3 days. Really depends on a lot of factors. When you are sure you are watering properly you can stop worrying so much about over/under watering and focus on what else might be wrong.

My advice:

Water that thing. If it perks back up, you know it was underwatering, but more importanly you now know when to water.


turns out i had root rot from the male that was in the same pot... I cut him down a while back... and how i trans planted it and removed as much of the dead root as I could hopefully it will live


Well-Known Member
so u had two plants in the pots and one was male and u killed it and left to roots?? lol ya that sux thats why i like to just do one plant per pot.