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  1. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    I am looking for Panealous Cyanas (however its spelled) or Koh Samuria prints Can anyone help?
  2. J

    tums tu tu tu tums!!

    at least your plants wont have a stemach ache lol.... sorry that was corny. I am blowed
  3. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    Varanoid I dont mean to sound like an asshole, actually yes I do. I aint going on vacation anytime soon and I want some fucking shrooms now.. see my problem now! I clearly stated at the begging of this post to give help not state ludicrous ideas i need fuckin answers man!!! lol
  4. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    It really has nothing to do with harming people, it has to do with taxes and people making money and the govn doesn't. The govn is harming us everyday gmo foods chem trails and ammonia wAshed beef. They give a fuck about us. Lol..
  5. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    canndo has clearly smoked himself retarded... Sometimes weed allows people to go on meaningless rants... I aint mad at you... Stay stoned my friend...
  6. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    Nemisis I ought to slap the shit out of you for suggesting such bullshit. And they are not illegal in california they just can not be bought shipped in from out of state and use to cultivate(which I do not intend to do). I am a huge science nerd and just want to get my microscopy on....
  7. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    I am from Ohio the funny part is as soon as I mention it to all my peps they are like mannnn I dont know about that. I tell them just research it on the internet. Everyone has followed up with, "Well if you cant get in trouble why wont they just send it directly to you!" I am like fuck you...
  8. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    ralphster dont except my credit card
  9. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    hahaha fucken hilarious people crack me up
  10. J

    Mushroom spores to cali

    Does anyone know a site that still ships to california or have a connect for the spores. I literally just spent 5hours and 45 minutes search google trying to locate one.:sleep: I am fucking beat any quality assistance is appreciated, and if you dont want to blast the site just pm me. I am...
  11. J

    Grow #1: Golden Teachers.

    I am just trying to find out if they just put that on there to cover their ass.... Dr chronics the site I get my dank seeds from it say will not delivery to us but if you order them they show up... If someone lives in cali can you verify that the spores made it to you
  12. J

    Grow #1: Golden Teachers.

    does anyone live in cali i went to order on the site provided but it says wont ship to cali ga or idaho
  13. J

    Does this look Stunted to you?

    Ok grump I got it... I move my bitch outside to get a tan when the sun is out and its 65 or warmer.... Well when I hooked the bucket up last time i put the pump on the return nossel so the bucket wasnt filling up with water.... Anyway its been a couple days and the pistols are slowly coming back
  14. J

    Does this look Stunted to you?

    Yup and the other plant in the same bucket is doing good same distance from the light same nutes just 2 weeks apart?
  15. J

    Does this look Stunted to you?

    okay so I have two of the same strain different seeds in the same bucket but they are flowering two different ways one looks normal but this one is was put into flower on the 1/15 and the pistols started receding...? Normal or not the last pic is the other plant see the diff in pistols? they...
  16. J

    Does this look Stunted to you?

  17. J

    Does this look Stunted to you?

    I went from 640 to 1000 ppm over the last to weeks but the roots took a little hit for it... They browned up a bit so I have backed off... I ddnt see anything as far as burn on the leaves so maybe I am trippin and the nutes are coloring them. take a look and tell me what you think.
  18. J

    Black Nats

    Why do they have to be black???? haha j/k