Black Nats

First time grower and this just started out as an experiment but now has really started to take off. My plants are 6 weeks old today and a few days ago I noticed a little black bug with wings hanging around in my soil. At first I thought it was just a stray that got in when my back door was open and it just migrated to my grow room. This however was not the case because 2 mornings ago I checked my plant as always and saw more than one bug. A friend of mine who has done a couple of grows stated that they could be black nats that stemmed from the brand of soil I'm using, Organic Choice Miracle Gro, which I was told has bugs in it. He said that I may be over watering and to get rid of them to hold off watering for a day. I did not water yesterday and my leaves look kind of sad. I have not seen any bugs today and I'm thinking of giving it nutes today since I haven't given it any for almost 3 days now. For nutes I'm using Mexican Bat Guano high in Nitrogen. My question is... Is my bug problem gone? I fear that I'm over watering at times but can't tell because of the clay pot I'm using. I wanted to transplant out of this pot but am afraid since the roots are so well established. I fear the bugs will come back after watering. Other than that my grow seems to be going pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I was told to sprinkle ground cinnamon on top of the soil. I tried it and it worked!
No more gnats.
What cycle are you in? I re-potted one a couple weeks into flowering and she's doing just fine.
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