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  1. F

    How to force flower after 12/12 from seed?

    I started two Northern lights from seed at 12/12 and they are doing wonderful, around 12 inches tall at a month+ old. the only problem i have is that they are growing straight up and getting rather big. in normal situations to start the flowering stage one switches the lights to 12/12 but how do...
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    HOw can i view a journal, but hide peoples comments?

    comments are great i agree but sometimes i just wanna see a full grow in a matter of mins. also this site not being able to use "auto scroll" really blows (instead of clicking next and next you jsut scroll down endlessly)
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    HOw can i view a journal, but hide peoples comments?

    i want to be able to view a growign journal with only the authors posts. thnx
  4. F

    DWC Sea of Green

    i would give tehm like two weeks to root and then maybe another week or so to grow a little bit then switch into flower.
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    Can I Get Some Props For This

    yeah i mean, i wasnt too worried on causing a short since most of the stuff plugged in is just low voltage fans. it looks bulky buts i know but i feel like its not "a fire waiting to happen". ANY ADVICE ON THAT?
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    Can I Get Some Props For This

    pics are up
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    How can i seal up this cabinet

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    Can I Get Some Props For This

    Finally my cab is done. after a year of buying parts here and there its finally all done In the left corner we have a 250 watt HPS fitted with THE MOST GHETTO cool tupe attached to one a blower suckign all the hot air into the attic + a 112cfm computer fan blowing in. In the right...
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    yeah i was also wondering the same thing, ^^^ so if you got a source i would appreciate it greatly
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    How to get Autopager by Firefox to work?

    yeah what a piece of shit site
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    This website needs Autopager BADLY otherwise it sucks

    still a bitch to make it work right now
  12. F

    Help! 5 Weeks Flowering, to Re-veg, then Back to Flowering!

    looks like shes back to flowering and nothings stopping her
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    Help! 5 Weeks Flowering, to Re-veg, then Back to Flowering!

    yeah i have some cuttings waiting to root, and a lil seedling, so im just gonna wait it out see how they react. this is my optimistic logic: since they started to flower and then were tricked into growing again, all the bud sites kinda elongated and new buds began to sprout at the top. since...
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    Help! 5 Weeks Flowering, to Re-veg, then Back to Flowering!

    i mean i dont exactly know if it was 5 weeks, but it def just stopped at one point
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    Help! 5 Weeks Flowering, to Re-veg, then Back to Flowering!

    my two white widows were flowering for about 4-5 weeks but then suddenly i noticed a change to development of the plants. i discovered a couple weeks later that my timer F'ed up and had been giving them 16 hrs of light. so pretty much re-vegging them. now i am left with this plant with...
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    How can i seal up this cabinet

    ^ this guys knows whats up thanks ill look into it
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    How can i seal up this cabinet

    nah brah, that shit is toxic, i say put like a box inside of another box inside that box, then put it all inside the cabinet
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    How can i seal up this cabinet

    dude like totally seran wrap it
  19. F

    How can i seal up this cabinet

    what im actually trying to do is pretty much use only a quarter of this cab. i think having it sealed would really help my temps and overall control of the atmosphere. the thing is made of plastic i was thinking some cheap pc pipe frame, ANY IDEAS? please share...