Help! 5 Weeks Flowering, to Re-veg, then Back to Flowering!


my two white widows were flowering for about 4-5 weeks but then suddenly i noticed a change to development of the plants.

i discovered a couple weeks later that my timer F'ed up and had been giving them 16 hrs of light. so pretty much re-vegging them.

now i am left with this plant with very scraggly buds, and some very weird colas.

but yeah since ive never heard of this happening to anyone before, i was wondering what to expect.

-will the buds that are on there now, eventually swell up and become regular?
or will they just be small and past their prime?

-is the plant now in flowering from day 1? it looks like some new buds are forming at the top
will these buds be worth it?

i have since switched it back to 12/12 but i am wondering if it even worth it?



Well-Known Member
oh and what I would do would be run them on 12/12 and harvest early. try to have sum healthy clones transplanted and ready to flower


Well-Known Member
oh shit i just looked at the pics and for 5 weeks those are not gud. cut them down and start over. it would be quicker to start over and do it right.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
If you don't have any other seeds or clones available to your right now, it won't hurt to keep them in 12/12 and see what happens. My buddy did the same thing as you at one point, so I've seen those odd 1-3 points that you're seeing. They will stop producing leaves and go back to filling in if you fix the 12/12. The rule is tho, if you revert back to veg, when you start over it's like going back to the equivelant of week 1 (in most cases). So, be prepared to go another 8 weeks if you're going to flower.

And I agree with StickyScissors that you should simply move on from them asap and get some healthy cones from a new plant in there. White Widows are great, but they just won't be very potent if they start producing seeds and/or go hermaphrodite on you. If they herm, they are going to release pollen in your room as well, which can pollinate future grows accidentally if you don't pull prior to all the pollen sacs releasing, and for caution whipe down floors/walls/equipment with a cleaning solution or water/peroxide.

Good luck making your decision on what to do, and keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
My Nirvana White Widow don't seem to hermie at all. A friend of mine has grown maybe 100 for the same seeds, and he says they don't hermie. And this a veteran grower who checks his regularly. He has even accidentally stressed them bad soil and they still came out OK, after he repotted.


yeah i have some cuttings waiting to root, and a lil seedling, so im just gonna wait it out see how they react.

this is my optimistic logic:

since they started to flower and then were tricked into growing again, all the bud sites kinda elongated and new buds began to sprout at the top. since so much growing happened in the middle of flowering the plants are going to be like woah look at all these bud sites. end result (in about 8 weeks) is a some huge buds.

i might just grind it all up and make a big birthday cake for some one


So what happened in the end? I just had almost the same exact thing happen to me. Its like flowering started all over again a couple inches above the existing buds. Really interested to know if waiting turns out well or if i should just chop now and get what i can


Well-Known Member
At this point your best bet is to leave them at 12/12 and let them finish. After this they will not revert back like you hope.
You will harvest a lot of small whispy buds. But that's better than nothing.

Re-growing is a great answer! While harvesting leave a double-handful of green stuff around the bottom.



Well According to Mel Thomas.. This is Called Super Budding.. It is when you actually wait for the plant to start flowering and then turn it back into veg 4-5 weeks when in Flower.. This creating more nodes, which creates more yield.. The best is to actually over 3 days force it into 24hrs light.. and leave it on for about 7-10 days depending on the strains and substrate used.

I saw that someone said expect seeds.. that only happens when you switch back and forth over a vast period of time.. that will "sometime" create a hermaphrodite.. depending on the strain though. Not all weed is the same.. so think before you write..

I expect you to have actually got a decent yield out of the 16hrs mistaken switching to 16hrs..

Check out the book by Mel Thomas.. he knows all the Big Growers from back in the day and knows it all basically regarding strength and production. He was a Mr Big..

Have a good day folks!