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  1. L

    trippin baked and for some reason i need to turn on my washer

    totally right i was just paranoid and shit that it wouldnt start, i made it , wearin my trippin clothes, and hopefully them things are comin!
  2. L

    trippin baked and for some reason i need to turn on my washer

    hey man thats not a bad idea she has used the washer before......too late fro mom prolly, and the lid is closed, i guess never mind ill figure it out
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    trippin baked and for some reason i need to turn on my washer

    no i put some more stuff in there and turned the dial to what i wanted pulled out the knob water starts comin out but it just keeps fillin up. when does it start actually washing the clothes. i have all the butons pressed too.
  4. L

    trippin baked and for some reason i need to turn on my washer

    ok so basically my buddy tells me were getting shrooms tomarrow, and for some reason i always wear the same tye dye t-shirt and pair of jeans when i trip, i go to wash them get them in there got water running and i ams so baked out i forgot how the hell d u start the washing its a top...
  5. L

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    it seems about like what mine are going through, i changed soil, because it was crappy, do you have holes on the bottom of whatever container they are in?
  6. L

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hey dude do you think you could help me out with this no one seems to give a straight answer, these pics were yesterday they are even worse today, im going to change the soil today and see if that doesnt help any suggestions?
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    help im not sure what i should do here

    every 3 days now yes they have drain holes, its problly really 4 or 5 weeks and been starting to do this about a week or two ago and hast grown since
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    First outdoor grow WA state. Need help quick!!!!

    im a newbie too man so dont take me a 100% on this but they should be good in a dark place until they sprout, and when they do just get them as much light as you can in a window sill or whatever
  9. L

    help im not sure what i should do here

    also it has places of red all over parts of the stem
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    help im not sure what i should do here

    ok ive read the little chart thats supposed to tell me what this is but i just cant tell, they are small plants about 6 weeks old most of the leaves have turned yellowish and are now starting to brown, what should i get for them? it could be the soil i bought im not sure of the quality of it.
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    First grow

    so was that first soil the miracle grow organic? it looks sorta like mine it has all kinds of big particles in it, did it cause you any problems? stunt growth? looks like the new soil is treatin em pretty good,im probbly gonna change my soil soon, im from around the same area man.......keep up...
  12. L

    N deficiency i think

    i water them a little bit every day, thanks for the advice on that. and i used jolly gardener? just something food city had when i remembered i need potting soil, what kinds are the best?. also i have them in plastic cups when will i need to put them in something bigger
  13. L

    N deficiency i think

    ok this plant is probbly 4 or 5 weeks old theres another one doing the same thing but the younger ones are fine. the problem first started occuring about 3 or 4 days ago, what should i buy if it is a nitrogen deficiency.......also i have this stuff called super thrive ive givin them a little bit...
  14. L

    Welcome New Members!

    whats up a newbie, got a closet grow goin on, i think a couple have N deficiency