First outdoor grow WA state. Need help quick!!!!


Active Member
Hey guys whats up i just got done germing some Early Misty seeds . Three cracked so i placed them in my potting mix.

My question is what the hell do i do now ?? i Just cant seem to find a traight answer anywhere. I dont got any grow lights or place to grow them indoors for a little.

So after i have placed them in their growing medium do i need to get them outside now. Place in a window sill till they sprout ??

Do they even need light right now ?? Cani keep them under my dresser till they sprout ?

PLEASE HELP !!!! i dont know what to do
im a newbie too man so dont take me a 100% on this but they should be good in a dark place until they sprout, and when they do just get them as much light as you can in a window sill or whatever


hey man
im living on vancouver island out climate is like the same as your
i started a few a week ago i just have them under a lamp with those mini twist energy save bulbs and when is nice out i put them in the sun outside not on a window sill read that window sill is no good plus the wind get them stronger i think
mine are looking pretty helthy and i really havnt been doing that but
hears a pic



Well-Known Member
Cani keep them under my dresser till they sprout ?
yeah, but some place warmer would be better (and faster). As soon as they sprout move them outside they can take full sun and grow faster than under any artificial light or a window sill. Bring 'em in at night if you can till it's warmer but it's not necessary now that the danger of frost is over.


Well-Known Member
You can start them for a day or two on your window and then move them outside. Put them in the shade for a couple days see how they like it then give them partial sun...more and more until they're in full sun and lovin' it.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys !!!! Much appreciated. I'll probably be needing a little assistance throughput this grow as its is my first. Have pretty solid abandoned plant nursery as my grow spot, Very open and gets direct sunlight all mother fuckin day. Can't wait to get them out there and start there life !!!!

I think i'm gunne have them under my dresser tilli see a sprout. Woyld it be a good idea to have them in a tupperware container for good moisture and humidity ??? And if i do is it ok for them ot have the lid on air tight ??? Or should i make air holes so they can breathe ??

Thanks again in advance !!!! Help always greatly appreciated