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  1. keefhead

    auto flower???????

    YOU DON'T TO SWITCH THE LIGHT CYCLE AT ALL? so , how does that work?
  2. keefhead

    auto flower???????

    so we got some feminized top 44 and some brainwreck auto flowering... what does it mean autoflowering...?
  3. keefhead

    Tiny white bastard bugs!!!

    so this is my ultimate easy cure....... when you get bugs, most do not like to live in conditions that are unstable. ie.... wind rain , you know the elements. taking shelter from the storm, anyway i had some little gnats in my roots of my hydro tub, so when in doubt smoke them out!!! they cannot...
  4. keefhead

    brain wreck top 44!

    does anyone have pictures of a flowered brain wreck bud or top 44? just started mine and just want to know what i can be looking forward too!:bigjoint:
  5. keefhead

    please please tell me thats not a male flower

    looks like you have a hermie..... you can pick off the flowers that you find, carefully, they will give you good seeds and great blonde hash.
  6. keefhead

    Mother Feeds her 9 year old autistic boy pot cookies and tea

    what is there to explain? i would rather give my grandchild a joint than a a bottle of jack, jim or beam
  7. keefhead

    Mother Feeds her 9 year old autistic boy pot cookies and tea

    i think that medical use of the herb can help anyone at any age. for anything, i have a freind that has a child with autism and if it helps calm the child, trust me these parents need calm, then let it be....the stomach brain combination is very sensitive. SAY NO TO VACCINATIONS....
  8. keefhead

    What is this and why is this happening?

    if the roots r coming out of the bottom then your roots our bound up too tight. give it just a little bigger pot and and new dirt..
  9. keefhead


    i tried to take a picture. and you r right it is not easy.
  10. keefhead


    so i have like six bud sites coming up on this plant and they all have hairs but one of the bud sites r showing balls. i am going in to take a picture right now..
  11. keefhead


    there r pistols but not on those yet! i have a lot of pistols all over the plant but the balls don't look right!! i will go look again and keep an eye on it..... anyone know anything or have pictures of hermies?
  12. keefhead


    does the female characteristics show first on a hermie? or does the male? i have this great plant under LED and she looked great until it started showing balls! or is that the bud forming? i am really confused... i don't want to screw up another crop. first one got pollinated too the max... good...
  13. keefhead

    Led Users Unite!

    can't we all just get along? they r just lights people..... it is not the end of universe
  14. keefhead

    Led Users Unite!

    :blsmoke:i know that it is all a great big learning process and we all have our own ways of achieving the best quality smoke, and once you got it, you got it.. and that is the best reward of all. i just got my new bubbleponics set up, so now i can have 4 clone and 4 veg and 4 flowering all at...
  15. keefhead

    Led Users Unite!

    no matter what, the good thing is that we can all get some kind of harvest off of any kind of light you may use. may it be HPS, LED whatever, let's compare growing it outdoors under the sun. which is better? we already know how to grow it fast. now the question is what is the best light? there...
  16. keefhead

    Led Users Unite!

    once you make the investment for the right kind of LEDS, your grow will be big. i have 3 90watt led and 4 panel led, i think they r 50 watts.. i am only 3 weeks into bloom and the buds r growing at a rate that is unbelievable..
  17. keefhead

    Fuck da police!!!!!

    another story, was when i was on the way to kmart with my 2 children, ages 5 and 6. their grandmother just sent them a dollar and they were going to buy a hotwheels.. on the way i got pulled over for running a yellow light. the cop looked in the back at my childs dollar and saw that it was...
  18. keefhead

    First U.S. marijuana cafe opens for business in Portland

    do you think that card holders from out of state can enter this cafe?
  19. keefhead

    24 hours of darkness before flowering?

    thanks for your input bro, this bra will keep all knowledge that i learn here up in my pretty little head. i need to change my sign in name. to something like medicinewoman or sweet sensimella!
  20. keefhead

    24 hours of darkness before flowering?

    so what about darkness at the end? anyone? anyone? does it make the bud stickier at the end?