Mother Feeds her 9 year old autistic boy pot cookies and tea


I stumbled across these articles and just wanted to share them. The first one is about a mom at her wits end and decides to start feeding her 9 year old autistic son pot and the second is a follow up from a few months later. It is an excellent article and another example showing how wonderful this plant is yet all the propaganda against it. Anyways check it out!!




i think that medical use of the herb can help anyone at any age. for anything, i have a freind that has a child with autism and if it helps calm the child, trust me these parents need calm, then let it be....the stomach brain combination is very sensitive.


what is there to explain? i would rather give my grandchild a joint than a a bottle of jack, jim or beam


New Member
Please explain to Us again the difference between

Cannabis and Tylenol?

We do not Understand, because the King ruled it is against the law to generate supporting data.

Please help by comparing and contrasting with thought.

Which has fewer side effects?

Which is Safer?

Sr. Verde

Please explain to Us again the difference between

Cannabis and Tylenol?

We do not Understand, because the King ruled it is against the law to generate supporting data.

Please help by comparing and contrasting with thought.

Which has fewer side effects?

Which is Safer?
You can kill yourself via tylenol pretty easily, doesnt take that many pills (relatively)

Sr. Verde

I'm reading these articles and I saw this

We paid $80. (Granted, we haven’t checked up on how much a nickel bag costs these days.)
lol, 5 dollars?


New Member
"You can kill yourself via tylenol pretty easily, doesnt take that many pills (relatively)"

"Why take a full bottle, when you can take a 1/4 bottle of Aleve?" thought a suicidal maniac.

Sometimes thoughts do not become things.

We do not Understand.

Why did The King rule it against the law to generate data supporting Cannabis "The Most Dangerous Of All Drugs" is Much Safer than Tylenol?


Well-Known Member
i have never been vaccinated for anything, or even had a physical.
you have no idea how cool i felt knowing,
i was the only kid in school who's parents cared about them enough to forge medical forms.
so i didn't get my nuts felt up by some doctor.
also, if you brush regularly dentists are uneccessary,
except for major dental damages in need of repair...


New Member

The Alice We're looking for does not appear to exist yet.

She is very, very late.

The last we saw her, she was on The Riverbank.

But that is neither Hare nor there.

This bubble is about how kick-ass it is to need a doctor's prescription for the Earth's safest medicine.

Try explaining the validity of a doctors note for herb again to Us, because We still do not understand.

That's fucked.

This is a Weird place.


Well-Known Member
it is really weird.
everything people do is kinda funny/scary
you know who had some odd explanations for their behavior
was vonnegut. sometimes i wonder if he wasn't bullshitting about
being abducted.
but don't get the wrong idea. i only agree with you superficially you stumpjumping dirty hippy.