Tiny white bastard bugs!!!


Active Member
hi guys, so you lot helped me establish that my first grow was indeed two males but not put off by this i started again
and again i am having a fantastic grow with my BIG BUD and some sort of high grade a m8 gave me but as always something has to go wrong for me.

so question and answer time again.

Just been to check on the children and give them a quick spray only to find i have some horrible sort of white bug infesting both of my plants? hundreds of them! if you try and poke them they seem to jump or run very quickly but as of yet i havent noticed any damage to the plants, however i did only notice the bugs around three hours ago.

I have found some info but none with pics so i want to make sure i have the rite pest. if they are what i have read about then most people have said that they will not do any harm and to just leave them but i want to be sure so i am uploading some pics, they are the best piks i could get but there not fantastic.

not to sound rude but if there is anything that i can do please dont start recomending products that i can get from walmart as people have done before as it is very hard to find a walmart in the uk lol.

Also one last question, its prob just me being paranoid after my bad luck with two males last time but can a plant start to show signs of sex befor being put into flower? i still have my plants on an 18/6 hour cycle with another week or so before changing it two 12/12 but im sure my BIG BUD has started showing signs of male pollen sacks already?

Thanks again in advance for the help guys.



so this is my ultimate easy cure....... when you get bugs, most do not like to live in conditions that are unstable. ie.... wind rain , you know the elements. taking shelter from the storm, anyway i had some little gnats in my roots of my hydro tub, so when in doubt smoke them out!!! they cannot breathe and so they either vacate or they die..... it worked well... put some kind of top over the plant and start smokin', blow the smoke into the top and continue doing that for a couple of days whenever you get high...


Active Member
Your just seeing those white haired things that grow in veg it's normal.It will change big time.As for the bugs recenently and old grower told me.Baking soda or baking soda and a little viniger added to water.And clean the shit out of your room.You can place a screen at the end of a shopvac and suck them up with out damageing. throw some viniger water in the shop vac for a wet death.Disenfect the floor.And start spraying water everyday when the lights come on untill you get big buds then twice a week and just mist buds spray baking soda and viniger on ground.


Active Member
im not doubting what you guys say atall and thanks for the help but really? smoking them out will work? i have a pretty small grow room so i could just blow the smoke in there and also wouldnt vinegar make my soil to acidic and cause me to have males?
still no answer as to what these bugs are and if they are harmfull?


Active Member
keep out the viniger and use baking soda.Don't under estimate what damage those bugs can do.I learned the hard way had to start from sratch cause of those basturds.let us know what you do but do something ASAP.Or just order more seeds


Active Member
first identify the bug before doing anything. I don't know what they are but am interested. Hope someone can identify.
good luck..
Your bugs might be thrips. They are sap sucking insects that will leave little spots on the leaves where they feed. They also spend some time in the soil and eventually mature into flying bugs, plus they run around pretty quickly... I would google "thrips" and see if that's what you have. If so, there is plenty of literature on what to do to control the infestation based on your grow media, region, etc.


Active Member
Spider mites they jump make webs and will thrive in marijana if not treated.They can jump off your cloths.That why you have to treat to keep them away.If you have the money order azamax.It works for me.And many others.


Active Member
yeah once you know if there helpful or not

if you wanna kill them water the soil wait bout 3 hours they will start to come up then you want to get some fine sand and put about 1/2-1inch of it over top of the soil it will kill them