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  1. F

    Cannabliss Going Guerrilla 2007

    I was saying the first time you went to visit you said there were paw prints and plant looked like ot was dug by a dog. People are good at making sneaky visits look like animals did it. I do realize your plants were not dug up and eaten by a cow or a crow! hahah lol Glad that the plants are...
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    Cannabliss Going Guerrilla 2007

    Hey Cannabliss. I have been reading your thread. If you suspect someone knows your spot you gotta move it, most expierenced plant thieves wait and watch for the perfect time to take. Dont set any patterns on your visits and if you can I know guys that invest in Deer Hunting cameras. Sounds wierd...
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    400W HPS - first grow - very proud of my babies

    Well done Johny I was going to tell you that picture one was a male, but Tokes beat me to it. Keep your Journal updated I love reading these things!! . Lata
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    Bad High experience

    The first time I smoked I was Whhhhacked!!! I lived in a bad part of town, 13 years old. My buddy comes over with a bag, it was my first time seeing it up close. I remember saying "Shouldnt this stuff be green?". It was yellowish bro, but thinking back it was laced with something crazy because...
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    Just for personal

    Hey RKM these guys on here have great information for you, I am a steady reader on here. I am interested in the drip system you have going can you clarify on how your doing it please? Thanx Chillen
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    My plant & my questions

    Found this in the FAQ section. How do I figure out the ppm of my fertilizer mix? Contributed by: diels alder To figure out the ppm of your fertilizer (or fertilizer mix), you need to be able to measure grams (to a few decimal places unless you are making a lot of solution) and liters. Look...
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    My plant & my questions

    Nebwie here too is it time to do a 25% nute mixture you think?
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    First Grow - Fem Snow White

    Cant wait to see the yield I am going to guess and say your gonna get almost a pizzle out of that.
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    First Grow - Fem Snow White

    Hey Snow White. Thanks for keeping up on your journal, it has been very good and I have been looking at it since you started!! Cant wait to see the final, final, final yield!. :) Changed my mind on CFLS, but going to use HPS as well. I like the long flowering process too, patience is a must...
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    Feminized seeds

    Im new too but I know from reading the site that Nirvana is good. Snowwhite used them in his grow. Planted 10 and got 10 females. 100% success Chillen
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    *PandaBear's Setup...Check it!

    Hey Panda Havent grown anything but I will have the lights on during the day, it jsut makes more sense to me, even if it is slightly more expensive its allot less suspicious. More noise, more light etc. Thats my take on it, but like I said I am not expierenced yet. Chill-n
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    Who are you? a/s/l

    26/Male /PA:mrgreen:
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    *PandaBear's Setup...Check it!

    hi Panda I am curious to know how you have the exhaust system set up for the three areas? Please let me know as I am getting plans together for a soil grow but the space is something similar. I like it! Chill-n
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    What do you see in the future?

    Weak minded huh? I guess next your going to say that we are all poor, and uneducated as well?
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    What do you see in the future?

    Thanks Hempie...Speaking of facing the truth try this one on for size. I firmly with out a doubt believe this is a religous war. I have a cross that i hang on my Humvee and say prayers before each mission.The Chaplain comes out and blesses all of us and "gives us angels wings" as we roar into...
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    What do you see in the future?

    I dont think its right to say that we have no freedom? WTF are the soldiers doing in Iraq right now? Why have my friends died or lost there limbs? They did it for you and your family, please dont give up on us. We fight for the USA not for anything else. I do agree that a majority of people...
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    Bush on the warpath

    Hey guys does anyone believe we are winning the war over here? If not or if so what is your definition of actually winning this war? I am just curious, and not trying to start a big debate. Thanks
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    Heres the deal-ITS long but I am just throwing this out there

    yes and yes. Last time I checked it wasnt illegal to go on this site THe military worries about OPSEC (Operational Security) on the internet ie. Where you are, what missions you do, etc.If this type of information fell into the enemies hand it would pose threat. If they want to come knock on my...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up everybody. Soldier here deployed overseas but when I get home and out its on thanks to Rollitup and all you out there who are a wealth of knowledge. ENJOY THE USA and SMOKE ONE FOR FILLENCHILLEN