Heres the deal-ITS long but I am just throwing this out there


Active Member
Hello Everyone, I started doing research about a week ago on growing.In that time I have come to realize this may be more complicated then what I thought!, and I may be more confused now then when I started.Currently deployed....upon returning (out of millitary) in a couple months I am starting my grow room. I have an trusty electrician who has set them up b4, knows the lighting required per square foot, humidifier, understand exhaust fans, timer switch-no problem, Mylar, thermostat good to go. I will have a great room BUT that does not make me a good grower. I have chosen to grow sativia white widdow buds possibly other similar buds. I am thinking of only 3 or 4 at once so we arent talking allot here... From what I gather I have three stages. First being the germination to small plant stage, next the veg cycle, then the flowering cycle, then drying them out.GOT IT (I think?) I dont understand the purpose of cloning? Is it to simply avoid those first few weeks of the plants from the time they were a seed? Is it also for increasing the chances of the plant being female and lastly is its sole purpose for better breeding? I am also having a tough time of deciding whether to grow Hydro or just soil....

Great advice on where to get the seeds but what if they are all male? Seems like you have to just plant and see?I am also hoping through all the information I can actually tell the difference between the two as I never had to do it before.I have read this site for hours and hours and I hope I am not reposting anything but I havent seen these lame newbie questions anywhere on this site. I am probably as fresh as they come so laugh it up!! Any help would be great:confused: Your new edition -:blsmoke:Chillen


New Member
the point of taking a clone from a female plant is to insure that the new plant (the clone) is a female. it will save you time and money. but the rest of your questions can be answered in the FAQ at the top of the page


Active Member
Hey dude,

I'm new here myself and the one thing i will say about this place is that there are some great people with a lot of skilled knowledge who are only too willing to help (never mock or laugh) a new grower gain experience.

Don't ever be afraid to ask man, people here will help, but you have to demonstrate that you have also helped yourself. i.e have read all the info on new grows the FAQ,s section inparticular.

Enjoy your grow and enjoy your membership of this great resource and all will be well.

Best wishes good luck and welcome



Active Member
Thanks guys I will due allot more reading and take more notes. I have gathered allot of information and I thank rollitup for having this community.TAKE CARE and enjoy the USA.Smoke one for me!


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone, I started doing research about a week ago on growing.In that time I have come to realize this may be more complicated then what I thought!, and I may be more confused now then when I started.Currently deployed....upon returning (out of millitary) in a couple months I am starting my grow room. I have an trusty electrician who has set them up b4, knows the lighting required per square foot, humidifier, understand exhaust fans, timer switch-no problem, Mylar, thermostat good to go. I will have a great room BUT that does not make me a good grower. I have chosen to grow sativia white widdow buds possibly other similar buds. I am thinking of only 3 or 4 at once so we arent talking allot here... From what I gather I have three stages. First being the germination to small plant stage, next the veg cycle, then the flowering cycle, then drying them out.GOT IT (I think?) I dont understand the purpose of cloning? Is it to simply avoid those first few weeks of the plants from the time they were a seed? Is it also for increasing the chances of the plant being female and lastly is its sole purpose for better breeding? I am also having a tough time of deciding whether to grow Hydro or just soil....

Great advice on where to get the seeds but what if they are all male? Seems like you have to just plant and see?I am also hoping through all the information I can actually tell the difference between the two as I never had to do it before.I have read this site for hours and hours and I hope I am not reposting anything but I havent seen these lame newbie questions anywhere on this site. I am probably as fresh as they come so laugh it up!! Any help would be great:confused: Your new edition -:blsmoke:Chillen
by humidifier you mean dehumidifier???
and grow what your confortible with. dont go spend hundreds on a hydro setup if you arent able to spend the time it takes to care for it. hydro is way more time/work than soil. "IMHO" things happen so much faster in hydro that you have to stay on top of things, and there are alot more things to stay on top of.
but if you have the time/money/will to do it go for it. its not all that complicated when you get right down to it. just read up all the different ways to grow and pick the 1 that gives you that warm and cuddley feelin inside. then read everything you can before you start. you can save alota money/time/plant issues from just reading.
either way good luck and welcome to the site:peace:


Active Member
I meant de-humidifier thanks ( although I have read during the flowering stage a humidfier may be good). I am reading, reading, reading and reading. Money I have, Will to succeed -no doubt.I will do like you said. I am looking, learing and taking it all in right now. THANKS for the welcome and nice to meet you guys.


Well-Known Member
A humidifier might be better in the veg stage, You want a low humidity in flower to avoid mold and bud rot.


New Member
the only time you would use a humidifier is if during the winter, a heater is being used to condition the air. a dehumidifier is a must have for flowering and drying. def go hydro. you can grow more crops in the same time as compared to soil. it's fucking automatic. you'll love it. cloning is used to preserve genes indefinately. whether it be male or female. unless you breed, you don't need males.


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone, I started doing research about a week ago on growing.In that time I have come to realize this may be more complicated then what I thought!, and I may be more confused now then when I started.Currently deployed....upon returning (out of millitary) in a couple months I am starting my grow room. I have an trusty electrician who has set them up b4, knows the lighting required per square foot, humidifier, understand exhaust fans, timer switch-no problem, Mylar, thermostat good to go. I will have a great room BUT that does not make me a good grower. I have chosen to grow sativia white widdow buds possibly other similar buds. I am thinking of only 3 or 4 at once so we arent talking allot here... From what I gather I have three stages. First being the germination to small plant stage, next the veg cycle, then the flowering cycle, then drying them out.GOT IT (I think?) I dont understand the purpose of cloning? Is it to simply avoid those first few weeks of the plants from the time they were a seed? Is it also for increasing the chances of the plant being female and lastly is its sole purpose for better breeding? I am also having a tough time of deciding whether to grow Hydro or just soil....

Great advice on where to get the seeds but what if they are all male? Seems like you have to just plant and see?I am also hoping through all the information I can actually tell the difference between the two as I never had to do it before.I have read this site for hours and hours and I hope I am not reposting anything but I havent seen these lame newbie questions anywhere on this site. I am probably as fresh as they come so laugh it up!! Any help would be great:confused: Your new edition -:blsmoke:Chillen

i think the clonig question was answered. it saves having to unwilling grow males. everything else you got an A on. don't let it overwhelm you. when i first started i grew in a bucket of dirt in the backyard using rose food or something. there were no grow books, no grow stores, no grow circles. it is a simple weed. you seem intelligent enough to handle it all. i just changed my rear axle bearings. it took me 2 weeks to get up the nerve to take the cover off the differential. i've never opened one up before. had a stupid chiltons guide with 7 pictures. it took me 20 mins to have both axles out. sometimes facing the fear is harder than accomplishing the task. you will do fine my friend. keep low and hang tough.



Well-Known Member
lol fdd took his readend cover off so he could get "both" axles out. hope you lubbed them up really good before you reinserted them. nothing quite like the smell of old rearend greese huh lol


Well-Known Member
lol fdd took his readend cover off so he could get "both" axles out. hope you lubbed them up really good before you reinserted them. nothing quite like the smell of old rearend greese huh lol

yes, both axles, both halves anyway. and that smell is impregnated into my flesh.:spew:


Well-Known Member
So your in the military and currently deployed in Iraq? Last time I checked the US Army watches and records what you do on their computers. Hence the whole Myspace and Hi5 deal on the news.


Active Member
yes and yes. Last time I checked it wasnt illegal to go on this site THe military worries about OPSEC (Operational Security) on the internet ie. Where you are, what missions you do, etc.If this type of information fell into the enemies hand it would pose threat. If they want to come knock on my door when I get home they can come right in-no problem...


Well-Known Member
fdd- what were the axles on?

fill- i dont know if it will be were you can, but if you can plant a few outside like in the woods or something its a big help. dont do much to them just let them grow and see what happens. its a good way to get a feel for things and not be out any time or cash.