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  1. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    thanks for the comment and info about the trichs. i harvested the first two of my plants last week - thursday and saturday - and some of the trichs went from cloudy to amber in a matter of a few days. there were still plenty of buds that still had cloudy trichs. not sure on yield and i hesitate...
  2. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    thanks for the comments. it definitely helps to start with some good seeds! looks like you have a nice grow going too.. how much longer are you going with yours?
  3. J

    How much did you yeild?

    - 5 plants, good seeds i ordered - snow white, ak47 auto, jock horror - coco fiber soilless, organic nutes - vegged 35 days, around 300-350 cfl watts, blue and full spectrum - week 6 of flowering, 4 68w 2700K, 4 40w 2700K, 4 30w and 40w blue/full spectrum - am harvesting the first two in a...
  4. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    so what do you guys think? should i try and harvest the ak and snow white as soon as i can, or should i try and push it out a little longer and let them fatten up a little more? how quickly can trichs go from cloudy to amber, a day or two, longer perhaps? i'm using a mostly soilless mix and...
  5. J

    When To Harvest?

    awesome read! thanks for the info, i think it just helped me from going into a late harvest. i never knew that checking the calyxes could help determine peak ripeness....
  6. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    i also have 3 jock horror's going. they're a sativa dominant strain and take a little longer so i've just kinda left them in the back to do their thing and haven't really paid much attention to them. i think it'll be another 3 weeks or so before they'll be ready.
  7. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    here's the feminized Snow White. trichs on her are also around 50% cloudy, with no amber ones yet, so i hope she'll last another week while i push some water and molasses through her.
  8. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    here's the ak47 that is going to be my first harvest. after i burned one the samples i'd taken, i read this post: awesome read! i highly recommend it. in fact, it's probably helped me from going into a late harvest with my first...
  9. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    today is day 36 of flowering. i got a 30x lighted microscope last week and was checking out my trichs. according to the calendar i've been keeping, i've been expecting to go at least another 10-11 days on my AK47 autoflower and a couple weeks on my Snow White. when i was looking at my trichs...
  10. J

    odor smell question

    you can build your own with parts from Home Depot for under $35. while you're there, pick up a few odor genies ($4 a piece and contain 10% activated carbon) and a natural magic odor absorbing gel or two (like $4 or $5 a piece). i've got five dank plants going - two of which are going to be...
  11. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    thanks man. yeah, i'm really happy with how well that hood design has worked out for me. it's really versatile and helps essentially customize your lighting setup. you can go ahead and mix and match for whatever your needs and with the Y-connectors can orient some vertically, others at a 45...
  12. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    i have a question related to humidity that i'd be very appreciative of any feedback on.... i've always sort of had issues with high humidity, but once i installed an inline duct fan (for venting and to serve as a carbon scrubber) i was able to bring it down. i also have 4 fans going 24/7 and...
  13. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    and here's some pics of my other current favorite, feminized AK47 autoflower from Grass-o-matic. this one seemed to start off a little slow, but then really took off like a rocket once she started to flower. i put her through a little LST during veg. she's at day 51 from seed and according to...
  14. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    here's a couple shots of my feminized Snow White from Nirvana. this girl's always been one of my favorites in the crop! started off really strong and has always done really well despite some of the issues i've had. according to my calendar, i still have 2 or 3 weeks left. unfortunately, the...
  15. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    just wanted to post some updated pics. i'm now at day 28 of flowering, day 62 from seed on all except my AK47 auto. everything seems to be coming along nicely. i do know that i still have some nute issues and possibly even some slight heat stress going on - mostly with my 3 Jock Horrors - but...
  16. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    i haven't heard of the soil you're talking about, but i would think that you want it mixed in really well with the other soil so that it's throughout the entire pot (mix it all together in a separate bucket, whatever, and then put it in your pot). i'm using black 3 gallon pots that have the net...
  17. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    cool, i'll have to look for your post. i've been very pleased with my cfl grow - into the 3rd week of flowering with lots of nice buds and colas growing - but i guess like most other things with cultivating your own, i'll just have to try it for myself.
  18. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    cool, thanks. i was concerned about the paleness where the petiole connects with the leaf, but it actually doesn't seem to be an issue anymore..
  19. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    interesting read, thanks for the link. a little off topic, but i just got done reading through some of your cfl grow you have linked in your signature. very nice!! so have you done another grow with cfl's, or did you give using an hps a try? i'm happy so far with my cfl grow, which is also my...
  20. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    thanks for the comments. being my first grow and all, it's awesome to be getting to this point... can't wait 'til harvest time!