Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)


I have a quick question about (what I think) is a nutrient problem and would really appreciate some help or at least a confirmation.

Please see the pics. Is this a magnesium deficiency? I've done a ton of reading/research and think it might be that, possibly in addition to a K and/or Ca deficiency as well. I've just been using regular tap water so I wouldn't be surprised if I had some salt buildup and nute lockout.

Some info:
- mostly coco fiber soilless mix
- gave them a good flush 2 days ago; pH runoff measured just before the flush was 6.2-ish (water used when feeding always reads 6.2-6.4)
- was using bloom nutes that were a little low in the ratios (1.5-4.5-3), but just picked up some Pura Vida Organic Bloom (2-6-6)

If so, should I foliar feed with diluted epsom salts (they're flowering day 16)? Would a little shot of H2O2 help at all (the roots)? Should I give them another good flush before I start using any more nutes?




Well-Known Member
I had a similar paleness once using tap water also. It was a Mag. def. Some epsom salts is a good idea but i would just add it to the water instead of foliar feeding it.


thanks for the feedback. i did get some epsom salt yesterday, along with several gallons of distilled water, and watered them a little with the salts. my biggest question was whether or not to foliar feed once flowering, which i didn't and won't do. and today, i'm going to try giving them a little dose - at full strength - of the new nutes i picked up (that have epsom salts as an ingredient). i'll be definitely mixing in some good lime in my next grow, too... thanks for the link!

i just hope i'm able to bring my girls back around now....

good growing!


Did someone mention lime? Check this out >

interesting read, thanks for the link.

a little off topic, but i just got done reading through some of your cfl grow you have linked in your signature. very nice!! so have you done another grow with cfl's, or did you give using an hps a try? i'm happy so far with my cfl grow, which is also my first so i don't really have anything to compare it against. but i've considering getting a 400w hps for my next grow... constantly moving the lights gets a little old... in the least, i could use both for a perpetual grow. anyway, i'm curious about a yield comparison if you did go with hps..


Well-Known Member
interesting read, thanks for the link.

a little off topic, but i just got done reading through some of your cfl grow you have linked in your signature. very nice!! so have you done another grow with cfl's, or did you give using an hps a try? i'm happy so far with my cfl grow, which is also my first so i don't really have anything to compare it against. but i've considering getting a 400w hps for my next grow... constantly moving the lights gets a little old... in the least, i could use both for a perpetual grow. anyway, i'm curious about a yield comparison if you did go with hps..
I did get an HPS. I started using it on my subsequent grow. But (long story) i did not complete the grow with it. I had to go back to the CFL's, which worked very well again actually. I'm actually on my 4th grow now. Vegged under CFL's and I'm on week 3 of flowering with the HPS. Things are going well. But at this point I really hesitate to compare the CFL's to the HPS because... well because of the long story mentioned above, and the fact that there have been a lot of other inconsistencies, which make it difficult to make a good comparison. I've moved, i use different soil, different ferts, etc..
There is no doubt, however, that each method has its +'s and -'s. After i finish flowering my current crop I'll have a better idea of what this HPS can do. And i plan on sharing that info with RIU.


I did get an HPS. I started using it on my subsequent grow. But (long story) i did not complete the grow with it. I had to go back to the CFL's, which worked very well again actually. I'm actually on my 4th grow now. Vegged under CFL's and I'm on week 3 of flowering with the HPS. Things are going well. But at this point I really hesitate to compare the CFL's to the HPS because... well because of the long story mentioned above, and the fact that there have been a lot of other inconsistencies, which make it difficult to make a good comparison. I've moved, i use different soil, different ferts, etc..
There is no doubt, however, that each method has its +'s and -'s. After i finish flowering my current crop I'll have a better idea of what this HPS can do. And i plan on sharing that info with RIU.
cool, i'll have to look for your post. i've been very pleased with my cfl grow - into the 3rd week of flowering with lots of nice buds and colas growing - but i guess like most other things with cultivating your own, i'll just have to try it for myself.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback. i did get some epsom salt yesterday, along with several gallons of distilled water, and watered them a little with the salts. my biggest question was whether or not to foliar feed once flowering, which i didn't and won't do. and today, i'm going to try giving them a little dose - at full strength - of the new nutes i picked up (that have epsom salts as an ingredient). i'll be definitely mixing in some good lime in my next grow, too... thanks for the link!

i just hope i'm able to bring my girls back around now....

good growing!
anyone try jiffy ph control seed starter soil mixed or would you put like a layer of it on top of the other soil (like 4-6 inches deep) then the other soil again? or would it be better to mix it all together?maybe have it be the top or bottom level of soil in the pot like with pebbles on the the bottom to insure drainage or on top to make sure the ph stays good for the whole grow or if overnuted you can flush the roots even easier


anyone try jiffy ph control seed starter soil mixed or would you put like a layer of it on top of the other soil (like 4-6 inches deep) then the other soil again? or would it be better to mix it all together?maybe have it be the top or bottom level of soil in the pot like with pebbles on the the bottom to insure drainage or on top to make sure the ph stays good for the whole grow or if overnuted you can flush the roots even easier
i haven't heard of the soil you're talking about, but i would think that you want it mixed in really well with the other soil so that it's throughout the entire pot (mix it all together in a separate bucket, whatever, and then put it in your pot).

i'm using black 3 gallon pots that have the net bottoms and it's provided great drainage. i also have some hydroton pellets on top to help retain moisture and also prevent any 'erosion' when i water (i'm using a mix of coco fiber soilless and grower's best medium, which is mostly sphagnum peat moss). i wouldn't put pebbles in the bottom, i've heard - and then experienced it with some house plants - that it can hinder good drainage.