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  1. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    hey there, haven't posted in a while, so i thought i'd get some new pics up. i've definitely been having my share of issues too! - Built a carbon scrubber, based off this thread, to help with humidity. Made a few...
  2. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    thanks for the feedback. i did get some epsom salt yesterday, along with several gallons of distilled water, and watered them a little with the salts. my biggest question was whether or not to foliar feed once flowering, which i didn't and won't do. and today, i'm going to try giving them a...
  3. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    bump. i know it's a total noob question, but anyone? thanks!
  4. J

    Help Please!! Quick question on nutrient problem (PICS)

    I have a quick question about (what I think) is a nutrient problem and would really appreciate some help or at least a confirmation. Please see the pics. Is this a magnesium deficiency? I've done a ton of reading/research and think it might be that, possibly in addition to a K and/or Ca...
  5. J

    N deficiency, Fusarium (or other) wilt, or...? Help appreciated!! PICS

    as an added note, i've been using tap water to feed my ladies. i regularly check the pH and it always comes in at around 6.4. being lazy in that regard, i figured why not just use it? so maybe those white spots could just be salts.... anyway, thanks again in advance for any info!
  6. J

    N deficiency, Fusarium (or other) wilt, or...? Help appreciated!! PICS

    Hey all, I'm a noob to growing, now at day 14 of flowering and have come across a problem and would really appreciate some help and feedback. Specific details about my grow are linked in my signature, but in short: - 6 plants growing in coco soilless and 'grower's best medium' at a 50:50 ratio...
  7. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    On day 8 of flowering now, things still seem to be going well. In fact, it kinda looks like I got my own little sea of green going on (maybe a lake of green). It's a farkin' beautiful thing, man! :) The canopy is now up to about 9" - 10", and I pulled all the wires out I was using for lst. No...
  8. J

    My plan for Soil mixture. What do you think?

    i'm using a coco fiber soilless mix, Roots Organic that has a bunch of good stuff like worm castings, seaweed, greensand, etc. in it. (got it posted in my grow). i started my plants with the coco fiber, and then transplanted them after a couple/few weeks into a 50:50 mix with the coco soilless...
  9. J

    To flush or not to flush?

    would you still advise flushing a full two weeks prior to harvest even if it's a more organic grow, or mainly just for hyrdo grows? i'm a noob (link in my signature) that was originally going to do a hydro grow and read a lot about the 2 week flush, but then ended up doing something more...
  10. J

    Are reflective hoods neccesary?

    I just started my first cfl grow, after spending a lot of time on here reading and learning, and one of the things I continued to notice was that not many people seemed to be using any sort of reflectors. To me, that just seems like a lot of wasted light. So for about $20-$25 in materials, all...
  11. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    yeah, man, big mistake on my part! i won't be doing that again...! Day 5 of flowering.... all the plants are still under lst (without doing any new lst anywhere on 'em), and I think I'll let it go a few more days and just set them all free as I don't want to induce any more stress now that...
  12. J

    Noob tryin it with cfl's

    sweet grow going! too bad about the hermies, though... what do you think led to that, stresses, etc., or just crappy genetics?
  13. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    I also decided on day 3 that I want to get back to a little more lst on all of them to help even them out in height, and also fill them out a little more. So more lst and I took them down to about 3 1/2". I think I'll continue with the lst only through the end of the week, or until I start to...
  14. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    And on to day 3 of flowering, and they're all looking good! They measure from 4" to 6" in height, and my strongest Snow White and Jock show 10-12 tips.
  15. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    Here they are on flowering day 2. I forgot to mention that I also switched the lights I was usinga couple days ago. So now I have 4 mack-daddy 68w 2700K (Home Depot, approx. $15 a piece), 4 42w 2700K and 2 40w 5000K. That gives me 520 total cfl watts and approx. 32,500 total lumens (or approx...
  16. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    ... and when the lights come back on. This day, after the dark period, they ended up getting about 8 or 9 hours of light before going to the steady 12/12 schedule. It just kinda worked out that way with how I wanted the 12/12 schedule. I also started them on bloom nutes at this time (Soul...
  17. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    So here they are at 31 days old and I'm getting ready to switch to flowering lights and schedule. On day 29, I switched the light schedule to 18/6, and also took out all the wires I was using for lst to give them a bit of a break. When the lights went out at the end of this day, I pulled the...
  18. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    25 days old and continuing with the lst. Getting some serious bush action going on! At about the same time I started with the lst, I also fimmed 3 of the Jock Horrors and the weaker Snow White, just to see what would happen. Even though I cut off 80-85% of the tops, I don't think I did it right...
  19. J

    4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow

    Here they are 21 days from showing cotelydon and the beginning of the 3rd week of vegging. The tallest one's are 3" high, have reached the 4th and/or 5th node... so it's time for some lst!