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  1. RabidC

    will i have any lighting problems?

    yeah, im pretty sure now that the problem with all of them is algae, and the roots have turned a nasty brown color, but not all the roots. some newer looking ones look great still. anyone know of a way i can save my baby's lives?
  2. RabidC

    Slime on the roots of one plant.

    yes , my plants have recently developed red/brown, slimy roots. i believe it's from algae (i am using DWC), but i am not completely sure. i would like to learn more about the slimy roots tho. sorry i couldn't help.
  3. RabidC

    will i have any lighting problems?

    oh its all good, nothings really close enough to do any damage, the only reason the light is so close in the pictures was for that reason only, usually theyre hanging on the side of the container. yeah, a fire would suck, but im more worried about my roomate's setup than my own.
  4. RabidC

    will i have any lighting problems?

    well heres some pics of a few of the plants so far. my computer's being rediculous and won't let me upload anymore right now. two weeks old yesterday. before i put the hps in, i had the cfl's hanging down right up in the plants faces, and i just added the hps on sunday and set the cfl's right...
  5. RabidC

    small dilema

    ok, if it's worth anything to anyone, i took some initiative and assumed i was nutrient burning the plants, and when i checked the roots they had actually turned an orangish color, so im guessing those are early symptoms of nutrient burn in those pics. all i did was change the resivuor water...
  6. RabidC

    will i have any lighting problems?

    i would love to be able to afford a 400W. but for right now that 150W setup was at the top of my range. at this point in time all i can do is just add more to it, i cant afford to replace my hps yet. thanks for the help tho.
  7. RabidC

    small dilema

    jus got some pictures, but they come with another question. in one of the pics you can see the edge of a leaf turning brown, but you can also see some slightly discolorated blotches on the same leaf. ppm is good, ph is fine and theyre arent even two weeks old. the only thing i can think of...
  8. RabidC

    will i have any lighting problems?

    my grow contraption is about 3 1/2'x3 1/2'x 2' with six 5" tall plants using DWC. i have 1 150W hps and 2 75W fluorescent grow lights. the interior is completely covered with reflective tape. again i will have pictures soon, jus need to know if i need more or less light. any input or advice...
  9. RabidC

    HELP!!! Ripped the tip of one leaf off on accident!

    yeah i was installing a new hps fixture and all my fluorescent lights came collapsing down. exact same type of tear. i was prolly more upset about it than the plant was, its just acting like it wadnt nottin
  10. RabidC

    forcing back into veg

    ok yeah, ill prolly jus wait till theyre mature. not too worried about it. thanks
  11. RabidC

    forcing back into veg

    one of my friends the other day had said something about changing to 12/12 just long enough to sex the plants, eliminate the males and then force them back into veg by going back to whatever schedule you had in the growing phase. i'd never heard of this before, is it a good idea?.. or is it...
  12. RabidC

    small dilema

    do you mean how often do i change the water? its changed every 4 days
  13. RabidC

    small dilema

    i have six plants growing in the same conditions and they've been going about a week and a half in a resivuoir hydro system. i just started putting nutrients in about 3 days ago, but barely used any at all. my ppm jumed to around 1600, which i know isn't good for them being that young, but...