small dilema


Active Member
i have six plants growing in the same conditions and they've been going about a week and a half in a resivuoir hydro system.

i just started putting nutrients in about 3 days ago, but barely used any at all. my ppm jumed to around 1600, which i know isn't good for them being that young, but they are and have been looking better than ever.

but one set of leaves on one plant are curling horribly, and i have no idea why. Ph is about 5.6 and i am using two 75 watt grow lights atm, but im gonna be adding a 150 watt hps in a few more days.

i'll have pictures soonish.. but untill then any input would be valued.

those leaves were curling before i started adding nutrients.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
what soil are you.......................................just kidding, all i know about hydro is the ppm is critical along with ph get them under control the plants have no buffer its instant burn


Active Member
jus got some pictures, but they come with another question.

in one of the pics you can see the edge of a leaf turning brown, but you can also see some slightly discolorated blotches on the same leaf.

ppm is good, ph is fine and theyre arent even two weeks old. the only thing i can think of is maybe its getting too warm? do these look like heat stress symptoms?



Active Member
ok, if it's worth anything to anyone, i took some initiative and assumed i was nutrient burning the plants, and when i checked the roots they had actually turned an orangish color, so im guessing those are early symptoms of nutrient burn in those pics. all i did was change the resivuor water, balnced the ph and skipped adding any nurtients.

is there is anything else i can do to help the plants recover?
has anyone else heard of roots turning orange from nutrient burn?