will i have any lighting problems?


Active Member
my grow contraption is about 3 1/2'x3 1/2'x 2' with six 5" tall plants using DWC. i have 1 150W hps and 2 75W fluorescent grow lights. the interior is completely covered with reflective tape.

again i will have pictures soon, jus need to know if i need more or less light.

any input or advice is appriciated


Well-Known Member
you could get away with what you have, I believe, but you will have to keep lights very close to tops of plants so they do not stretch and grow too tall.

But of course a larger light would be more efficient and a better option. Although in this economy many do not have money to purchase lights, here is an alterternative:

On Friday and Saturday nights go to the street races and wait for a crash. When the street light comes down, be sure the power is off and swipe the light setup. Duh...


Well-Known Member
Although in this economy many do not have money to purchase lights, here is an alterternative:

On Friday and Saturday nights go to the street races and wait for a crash. When the street light comes down, be sure the power is off and swipe the light setup. Duh...
^^^this, couldn't have given any better advice myself, lol...

honestly if you don't have ne extra cash, i think you could get by fine with what you have... if you have just few bux maybe try getting more cfl's... jmo, but you should be ok for this grow, make sure you sell a quarter of that an you'll have enuf for a 400w hps/mh for your next grow...

GL and stay safe...:blsmoke:


Active Member
i would love to be able to afford a 400W. but for right now that 150W setup was at the top of my range.

at this point in time all i can do is just add more to it, i cant afford to replace my hps yet.

thanks for the help tho.


Well-Known Member
i would love to be able to afford a 400W. but for right now that 150W setup was at the top of my range.

at this point in time all i can do is just add more to it, i cant afford to replace my hps yet.thanks for the help tho.[/quote

If BUDget is tight try adding a few more CFLs to try and prevent the stretch and hold the wispy buds down to a minimum. And position as close as possible. Doing so will probably require moving lights daily. jmo:mrgreen:


Active Member
well heres some pics of a few of the plants so far. my computer's being rediculous and won't let me upload anymore right now.

two weeks old yesterday. before i put the hps in, i had the cfl's hanging down right up in the plants faces, and i just added the hps on sunday and set the cfl's right on the side of the plants.



Well-Known Member

Although we all think we are McGuyvers, be sure to consider safety first. It would suck to burn down somebody else's property, or even take that chance, just for a few sacks.

We all have the same idea, but if you cannot afford to do it safely, DON"T DO IT.

This might help; everytime you see a fire truck heading down the street or an ambulance crossing an intersection, realize that they could be going to your place, and police will be short to follow, then DEA possibly. Can you say CONFISCATION?

or just watch the first bit of Fight Club


Active Member
oh its all good, nothings really close enough to do any damage, the only reason the light is so close in the pictures was for that reason only, usually theyre hanging on the side of the container.

yeah, a fire would suck, but im more worried about my roomate's setup than my own.


Well-Known Member
Looking at pic #4, it looks as though you might have a bug problem. Leaves look a little bit chewed up, if so you need to do something A.S.A.P. before it gets out of control. I had a white fly infestation once that got out of control and required me to cut down everything in a 60 bucket hydro setup and sterilize the room before I could continue.


Active Member
yeah, im pretty sure now that the problem with all of them is algae, and the roots have turned a nasty brown color, but not all the roots. some newer looking ones look great still.

anyone know of a way i can save my baby's lives?


Active Member
My guess by looking at your pics is that they may be getting a little to much food and they may be getting over watered. Also make sure water temp is around 68 degrees give or take, and also make sure your water is getting pumped full of air by either putting airstone in res or by using h2o2.
