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  1. T

    Idea for my traveling problem! Please comment!

    haha ya, they are def way too old for me to just get rid of them! no thank you! lol, i found a box by the way, its about 1.5' tall and both of my plants fit in there so i think things are prime
  2. T

    Idea for my traveling problem! Please comment!

    ha i wear 13's so that should present no problem, but the pots the plants are in are too big for them! :(
  3. T

    Idea for my traveling problem! Please comment!

    thanks guys, im not actually in texas, lol, it was an example of heat without revealing the ACTUAL location! mwa hahahaha! lol...but the shot gun idea isnt a bad one at all, they are both under 1 foot right now, one is 10" and the other only 4" so i think it would work great! good idea!...lets...
  4. T

    Idea for my traveling problem! Please comment!

    Hey guys, titan here, well some of you might remember my problem about bringing my plants on the road trip with me, but i have done some thinking and...i have to keep them in a box in the tool box n the back of my truck, i am extremely worried about too much heat (in Texas) so i have tried to...
  5. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    haha we'll see right? owe me an oz. if they do! hahahah
  6. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    im growing more for the experience than anything, a project if you not gonna worr too much about ph this time around, i will deff take it into account if i ever get serious...but i mean...they're growin right? ha
  7. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    thanx AZ, i have had many people tell me ph isnt really an issue unless your very serious, i think ill be for the future of this country, being knowledgable on marijuana in my first month of growing im prett sue doesnt reflect on my educational abilities..i didnt realize the newbie...
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    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    i know what ph is, thanks for the sarcasm though haha...i didnt really know where the ph needs to be for marijuana and i didnt know that was something that you needed to pay attention to
  9. T

    3.5 days old w/ picts

    i dunno really, with your set up probably put holes on each side and uncover the holes from blanket, you can also freeze water bottles ever day and put them in there....stretching means the stem is growing vertically too fast for the branches, you want alot of nodes and a stronger plant, they...
  10. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    #1, small closet, too hot, #2 Cfls cost 4.00, HPS 140.00 lol, im a broke college student...and i mean B-to the-ROKE!
  11. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    haha exactly, except its missing on purpose lol...4 new pretty growths have started cuz of it!...i have one 3' fluorescent fixture with 2 3' tubes hanging over the top of the plants, and one 35w CFL at about mid-level of the big plant...oh and one 2' aquarium flourescent, but i dont know if...
  12. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    "lst" low stress train...its gonna make her fill out ALOT more, i will get a better yield, i dont think the smoke will be that shitty, its a really good strain, really good, the main problem is she's stretched out cuz my roomate put the light 6" above her for five days when i was gone...but shes...
  13. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    ok, so you think m ph is too high? how can you tell? also gonna LST the big one when i take it home
  14. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    whats this deal with ph? i obviously dont know anyhting about it, but how can you tell the levels arent right?
  15. T

    3.5 days old w/ picts

    way too hot in there too!
  16. T

    3.5 days old w/ picts

    plant looks alright, good color and stuff but its already stretching! and that bad as a seedling, move your light ou have a way to hang it above the plants?
  17. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    thanks for the info! they look healthy AT ALL?
  18. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    there is one 2 bulb 3' fluoro fixture hanging above the plants and one 35w CFL about mid-height of the large plant, all i can afford for now, plus im movin the babies in a couple days...i do not ph test, there is one fan for the room, and i have not started using ferts quite yet, i was gonna...
  19. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    this si the plant in question
  20. T

    Plant growth inconsistent, details inside

    Alright here are the pics guys, sorry they're soo shitty but they are from a cell phone..i just took them...the larger plant is my pride and joy shes about 10" tall and she was accidentaly strethed a bit but shes starting to fill out nicely... the smaller plant is the one in question, the pic...