Idea for my traveling problem! Please comment!


Active Member
Hey guys, titan here, well some of you might remember my problem about bringing my plants on the road trip with me, but i have done some thinking and...i have to keep them in a box in the tool box n the back of my truck, i am extremely worried about too much heat (in Texas) so i have tried to come up with a solution and here it is...i will put them in the box with about 6 frozen water bottles to help cool down and i will also have a converter runnin from within the truck out to the tool box so i can have a fan running, i was considering lighting as well, but i think the girl will do fine without light for one 8 hour trip...what do you guys think?! will this work? all comments appreciated.


Well-Known Member
toolbox on the box of a truck in texas, okay that takes some guts. aren't grows still executed without trail, just straight away at the rim of the ditch?;)

to be serious, how big is that plant/plants now? if below 2ft, put them in a box and let them ride shot gun with you;) no worrying about that toolbox anymore. get a 1'x2'x1ft box and fit into the food-space of your passenger seat:) and your stuff goes in the box in rear, that easy.


Well-Known Member
I would recon they would be fine without lights for 8 hours as long as temp is controlled, just drive straight and dont get pulled over by a coppa wantin a spanner from the


Active Member
thanks guys, im not actually in texas, lol, it was an example of heat without revealing the ACTUAL location! mwa hahahaha! lol...but the shot gun idea isnt a bad one at all, they are both under 1 foot right now, one is 10" and the other only 4" so i think it would work great! good idea!...lets hope i dont get executed! haha, but im not in texas so no need to worry about bush's craz ass state lol


Active Member
ha i wear 13's so that should present no problem, but the pots the plants are in are too big for them! :(


Well-Known Member
what about a box which was filled with copy paper, thought you are at some college or so? that should fit then...


Well-Known Member
I don't think I could be that desperate to save plants that I would take a roadtrip with them. Not unless they were about 2 weeks away from flowering and I was never coming back or something.


Active Member
haha ya, they are def way too old for me to just get rid of them! no thank you! lol, i found a box by the way, its about 1.5' tall and both of my plants fit in there so i think things are prime