Plant growth inconsistent, details inside


Well-Known Member
You are in college and you don't know what ph is? Instead of asking questions go read and learn.


Active Member
i know what ph is, thanks for the sarcasm though haha...i didnt really know where the ph needs to be for marijuana and i didnt know that was something that you needed to pay attention to


Active Member
thanx AZ, i have had many people tell me ph isnt really an issue unless your very serious, i think ill be for the future of this country, being knowledgable on marijuana in my first month of growing im prett sue doesnt reflect on my educational abilities..i didnt realize the newbie threads was for dissin them haha


New Member
this harvest though i plan on ph testin... i need to make some money this with 3 good harvest's under my belt an been boneing up for this grow...


New Member
i didn't not say it was important...i just think you dont need to worry about it if you growin just a couple plants under low powered lights....


Active Member
im growing more for the experience than anything, a project if you not gonna worr too much about ph this time around, i will deff take it into account if i ever get serious...but i mean...they're growin right? ha