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  1. Northernlights4

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Has anyone ever experienced snot on the tips of the roots after inoculating them in dwc? I have seen bennies added and the roots exploded with growth. However, there were clear snots the size of a tear drop hanging from each root when removed from the res after innoculation. Few days later the...
  2. Northernlights4

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Ive seen a few coco grows in my day, root porn anyone?
  3. Northernlights4

    Update on some of my buds! How are we lookn?

    looks like they are in your yard, cover them with some clear plastic so they dont get wet, but even then 10 days of straight humidity is not good
  4. Northernlights4

    Quantum dimmable ballast???

    The lumen rating doesnt matter as much as the PAR rating which it usable light to the plant. Check out this interesting video on a new electronic ballast company that blows lumatek out of the compitition... im going to do a little reasearch on PAR levels to see how much of a difference this...
  5. Northernlights4

    Growing in the Woods

    You want morning sun to evaporate the morning dew off your buds to prevent mold
  6. Northernlights4

    Outdoor Soil Mix on a Budget Need Help

    if you dont want to pay for the promix even, you can buy a 3cuft bale of peat and add 8 quarts of perlite and 4-5 cups of dolomite lime and bam you have a lil more than 3 cuft of promix for around 15 bux. BTW 1 cuft of soil is 7.5 gallons so that should make you around 24.5 gallons with the...
  7. Northernlights4

    first time grow, given large clones, pictures!

    you want to circulate the air in you room once every five min, so if you closet is 55 cuft aim all you really need is 10cfm but ur closet looks alot bigger than that... length x width x height = total area... divide by 5 and thats the minimum cfm you should aim for. And those inline duct...
  8. Northernlights4

    first time grow, given large clones, pictures!

    yea i see them, ive never burnt hairs, i think thats just the plant maturing, some pistols will turn brown before others because they flowered first...
  9. Northernlights4

    first time grow, given large clones, pictures!

    Looks good man, nice and healthy, one suggestion tho, keeps the CFL's as close to the plant as possible with out touching it. I saw a post on the CFL form where a guy has a lumen meter and even putting it one inch away from the CFL he lost half the rated lumen. So penetration is hard to get...
  10. Northernlights4

    First plant starting to grow awkwardly.

    It looks like you plant has begun to LST (low stress train) itself with out your help. This could be a good thing if you take advantage of it. Look up LST in the search bar and read into it, you basically take you plant n bend the tops down so the lower growth gets more light and grows taller...
  11. Northernlights4

    New to Coco and need some advice plz...

    So I planted my seed last night and it popped out of the coco this morning and is already green and turning to the light! Just wondering, for seedlings is it better to water a few times a day or like every other day? n does the ph fluctuate alot inbetween waterings?
  12. Northernlights4

    New to Coco and need some advice plz...

    I'm using jacks classic ferts n it says to use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon, so i used 1/16th of a teaspoon for my seedlings, sound about right? I'm also aware of cal/mag def in coco but i have Epsom salt n molasses to fix that.
  13. Northernlights4

    New to Coco and need some advice plz...

    Thanks man, i think it may already be buffered it says on the label its great for terrarium plants as well but i still flushed it with ph water. Is the coco you use look like the pictures i posted? Im just not 100% sure on the texture, it drains the excess water well but it still retains alot.
  14. Northernlights4

    New to Coco and need some advice plz...

    its for reptile bedding like frogs n such it comes in a brown brick, make sure you get the coco tho cuz they have moss ones too n you know want those
  15. Northernlights4

    New to Coco and need some advice plz...

    So ive decided to make the switch to coco from organic soil. I went out n bought a brick of coco coir from my local pet store but it seems very pithy like shred up and not very hairy like the outside of a coconut would be. Im thinking about adding some perlite to it to help with aeration or is...
  16. Northernlights4

    anti anxiety paranoia strains?

    Ive always gotten my anxiety from being stoned, apposed to an upbeat high. I would stick to a sativa or a good hybrid, I too vote for strawberry cough, my buddy grows it and the high matches the sweet taste.
  17. Northernlights4

    Cloning Perpetual. Cloned Colas, 12/12 from seed/clone

    That's pretty cool man + rep, I was wondering why u would clone in flower instead or just letting that branch grow out on the mother. It makes sense tho cuz I cut the lower branches off n toss them, if I knew I could get around 10 grams from them I could be rich lol.
  18. Northernlights4

    Cloning Perpetual. Cloned Colas, 12/12 from seed/clone

    How was the smoke from the single cola clones? I think it wouldnt be as good as if you just let it grow on the plant because ur stressing it in flower...
  19. Northernlights4

    KC Brains Mango-Jack's Classic & "Makin' It Rain"

    Wow, deff subscribing to this grow! I just wanna say that I stated my very first grow using Jacks Classics way back when I had little knowledge of what I was doing and I have never seen leafier fuller plants that grew as fast as these ones did. I was using 30-10-10 orchard ferts and they...
  20. Northernlights4

    Personal Organic Tips And Tricks

    So we all are on this site for the same reason, to help grow bigger and better mj. But its not that simple... there is alot to learn and know before you can be considered a good grower. Throughout my past grows I have learned many of new tricks and techniques to grow better weed, including...