New to Coco and need some advice plz...


Well-Known Member
So ive decided to make the switch to coco from organic soil. I went out n bought a brick of coco coir from my local pet store but it seems very pithy like shred up and not very hairy like the outside of a coconut would be. Im thinking about adding some perlite to it to help with aeration or is it fine the way it is? any suggestions?

And should I be adding nutrients at the normal label dosage every water or use at like 1/2 or 1/4 strength?

Sorry if the pictures arnt perfect only have my camera phone...



Active Member
its not suposed to look like coconut hairs more just like regular soil, but i wouldnt have bought it from the pet shop, the coco for growing comes prebuffered etc.
when u expand the brick with water use 1/4 in the water so u dont wash out all the good bacteria.
always use nutes with every single wattering. start with 1/4 to 1/2 then increase to recomended levels on the label.
feed them anywhere between 1 to 6 times a day "run to waste" always with nutes and 10% run off PH 5.8 i feed my girls 4 times a day.
only flush if u get nute burn and still put a tiny amount of nutes in there about 1/8.
i used the cana line i found them to be the best.
i grow with 100% coco so i have no experience with pertile.
if your going to reuse the coco then dont flush with plain water at the end
hope this help and good luck


Well-Known Member
its for reptile bedding like frogs n such it comes in a brown brick, make sure you get the coco tho cuz they have moss ones too n you know want those


Well-Known Member
its not suposed to look like coconut hairs more just like regular soil, but i wouldnt have bought it from the pet shop, the coco for growing comes prebuffered etc.
when u expand the brick with water use 1/4 in the water so u dont wash out all the good bacteria.
always use nutes with every single wattering. start with 1/4 to 1/2 then increase to recomended levels on the label.
feed them anywhere between 1 to 6 times a day "run to waste" always with nutes and 10% run off PH 5.8 i feed my girls 4 times a day.
only flush if u get nute burn and still put a tiny amount of nutes in there about 1/8.
i used the cana line i found them to be the best.
i grow with 100% coco so i have no experience with pertile.
if your going to reuse the coco then dont flush with plain water at the end
hope this help and good luck
Thanks man, i think it may already be buffered it says on the label its great for terrarium plants as well but i still flushed it with ph water. Is the coco you use look like the pictures i posted? Im just not 100% sure on the texture, it drains the excess water well but it still retains alot.


Active Member
hi man im on my first grow with coco so by no means am i an expert im just a plain old newb lol
i did 80/20 coco/perlite as recommended by a few growers from this site u can have a look at my progress if ya like my journal link is in my sig


Active Member
Thanks man, i think it may already be buffered it says on the label its great for terrarium plants as well but i still flushed it with ph water. Is the coco you use look like the pictures i posted? Im just not 100% sure on the texture, it drains the excess water well but it still retains alot.
yeah mate thats it. next time u add the water to the bricks put some nutes in it, not just PH water.


Well-Known Member
I'm using jacks classic ferts n it says to use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon, so i used 1/16th of a teaspoon for my seedlings, sound about right? I'm also aware of cal/mag def in coco but i have Epsom salt n molasses to fix that.


Well-Known Member
So I planted my seed last night and it popped out of the coco this morning and is already green and turning to the light! Just wondering, for seedlings is it better to water a few times a day or like every other day? n does the ph fluctuate alot inbetween waterings?