first time grow, given large clones, pictures!


Well-Known Member
got some large clones from a friend, 4-6 inches tall , they came in rockwool not sure who the grower is and what he has done. so i just threw them in some larger pots and lightly watered, its been a couple days of just light water and some potting and seeding top soil. wondering when to try some nutrients , and what mix would you suggest? i know 20-10-10 is said to be good for veggin, i could only find some 20-20-20 all purpose stuff, or 30-10-10 for evergreen type plants. i bought the 20-20-20 already so hopefully i can use some of that stuff. i know to introduce it very gradually so i figure ill try 1/4 of the manufacturers recommended dose. anyways i got em under 6 26 watt 6500's, two 42 watt 6500's, and the five orange distinguishable ones are 23 watt 2700k's for a good spectrum ? is this a good idea for veggin or should ijust go straight 6500's. got roughtly 2x3 feet i guess and about 14,800 lumens from the 6500's and 8,000 lumens from the 2700's. thats somthing like 3500 lumens per square foot, guess i should get some more lights, i can't remember what the ideal lumens per square foot is somthing like 7k though isnt it, but space is limited so im just lookin for opinions, take a look at the pic and leme know if you would do anything different. (not going to mess with HID lights until i get a little more green savvy)
and when you would try adding nutrients, and at what ratio, purely veggin right now i want them tough and strong before i start plumpin em up with big dense buds. i know theres acres of this info out there and i have read most if not all of it, enough to get me started. and i know you guys like pics so take a look at let me know what you think.

also, should i add any darkness right now or just keep em going 24 hours till im ready to flower them. Thanks in advance and i appreciate any input.



New Member
they wont flower on 24 hours of light they need at least 12 hours of darkness to flower so when you want them to flower give them a 12/12 light schedule


Active Member

i am not sure wht you have goinugn on undert the duct tape on your light fixture but remember that duct tape is careful



Well-Known Member
that's what i get for watching red green, all my electrical tape is at work lol, its just to hold those crap rona sockets on the end of the extension cord. thanks for the concern though


Well-Known Member
so, an update , after a few half assed upgrades i know have roughly 6-700 actual wattage in there, depending how many Y splitters i have left (fuck those things are cheap pieces of shit)
should have just went HID but oh well, this is how i learn. a week into flower i realized shit was getting tall, so i tried my hand at some lsting , worked good except one plant i noticed after 2 weeks wasn't drinking as much, realized the wire i was using was choking it, anyways, long story short, supercropping works lol. and i always use string now. i also tried my hand at cloning and both attempts are a success, they are being vegged and lsted in a seperate chamber, will get some pics of those up later.

this is it for now, any tips? using a basic flower nute right now, its somthing like 6-24-10 too lazy to go check


i really need a good ph/ppm meter, i know im underfeeding them, but its better than the alternative.

edit: also i realize these bulbs put off more light horizontally than vertically so i lsted the plants all towards the back of the closet, and they tend to slant upwards a bit towards the back, i then lower that light fixture over top at about a 30-40 degree angle, i will get a better shot tommorrow when the lights are on.


Well-Known Member

this is from the outside , 4 inch passive intake with my many door gaps ensure negative pressureIMG_3095.jpg

i have two cheap 100cfm 4inch bathroom fans feeding a T that goes straight to 6inches through a reducer, follows down and out the closet and out of the room, with a cheap 6inch inline fan 2 meters down the line, 5 feet from the end.

this is my homemade veg box, 20 inch stakes make up the frame, its plenty sturdy. wrapped in chicken wire, then mylar, then garbage bags,nice and light proof, and everything is tight and in place, 4inch intake with a small inline fan,and another small fan at the bottom acting as a makeshift exhaust. trying to lst these baby's from the start, my first two cloning attempts both a success , in soil, with cheap powder and a busted up gillette razor blade . cannot believe they took.

what its all about

flourescent lights are still lights damnit, ease up

and this is how it started off

any tips?



Well-Known Member
Looks good man, nice and healthy, one suggestion tho, keeps the CFL's as close to the plant as possible with out touching it. I saw a post on the CFL form where a guy has a lumen meter and even putting it one inch away from the CFL he lost half the rated lumen. So penetration is hard to get with CFL's so keep those lights nice n tight! I had mine 1 inch away n veg and only had problems when the plants grew faster than i expected and got burnt on the light, maybe some window screen or chicken wire to prevent that... just and idea.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, fine line though as you can see from some burnt hairs here. I am pretty sure i got it dialed in for now they seem to have stopped stretching so i can just let the lights sit nice and close

IMG_3080.jpgnot sure ifyou can see the tips of the hairs, this is as close as i let them get


Well-Known Member
yea i see them, ive never burnt hairs, i think thats just the plant maturing, some pistols will turn brown before others because they flowered first...


Well-Known Member
you know i was considering that , you're probably right. gonna lower one side of the fixture tommorrow and see what i can get away with , worst comes to worst ill burn half, of half the plants in there.

on another note, things are getting smelly. Going to need a carbon filter i think so I can relax a little more later on. right now i have a 100cfm, and 90cfm bathroom exhaust fan on both sides, feeding a 4inch T.(cheapest option where i live) IMG_3096.jpgIMG_3103.jpg
which instantly is enlarged via two reversed reducers, to 6 inch, which routes out the closet and onward a few meters, with a , supposedly 250cfm, inline fan.

what doyou think would be a good estimate for my cfm? do you think the two exhaust fans would stack ? especially with the 250cfm inline fan boosting? would 200cfm be a little too optimistic? the two 4inch exhaust fans really blow and have good pressure, but the supposed 250inline fan does not make a bit of difference, that i notice. maybe that is a hint that i am close to 250 cfm.

Anyways, think this is enough to push air through a carbon filter?

I got my eye on a 200min 420max(lol) can carbon filter at a local hydro store, i may even try my hand at making one as I have seen the thread many times.

basically i want negative pressure in my 55cu ft closet, and i want the exhaust to be scrubbed somehow before going anywhere. Hoping to avoid a high output can fan or what not. If anyone has any suggestions as to a better solution i am all ears as well. thanks for lookiing everyone and keep the tips comin.


Well-Known Member
you want to circulate the air in you room once every five min, so if you closet is 55 cuft aim all you really need is 10cfm but ur closet looks alot bigger than that... length x width x height = total area... divide by 5 and thats the minimum cfm you should aim for. And those inline duct boosters only push about 1/3 to 1/2 rated cfm with a filter.


Well-Known Member
only once every 5 min?! i thought it was 5 times per min lmao. its 55 cu. ft, and thats being modest, probably around 45. i measured generously. i have plenty, made my own carbon filter today but definately gonna need some of that ona gel to sleep at night. ill post pics when im finished ironing out the kinks. but for now............. check out this wicked close up i got, u can see the mushrooming trichomes. no zoom whatsoever. thinks startin to get stinky in there.