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  1. Line276

    First Grow - Lowlife Auto AK47 **PICS**

    Nice grow im looking to start one like this when i get home. peace
  2. Line276

    Bump If You're Baked!

    wicked baked:bigjoint:
  3. Line276

    1,000,000 lumens just arrived

    nice lights dude. peace
  4. Line276

    throwing eggs at houses and stuff

    nice with thtreats
  5. Line276

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    Best thing ive ever smoked
  6. Line276

    Ounce of weed or maybee more

  7. Line276

    why isn't marijuanaa legalll for christs sake!

    sucks im about to grow at my parents till i get my place in august.
  8. Line276

    Dangerous Phone Call

    defenitly wait a little bit thats odd
  9. Line276

    Fun Things to Do When Stoned

    Go on a bike ride or lay on a couch
  10. Line276

    games when you're stoned

    me and my friends just make games out of anything. Yesterday we were kept entertained with two funnels and a ping pong ball for around an hour or so lol
  11. Line276

    Getting too stoned

    if you think you are to stoned then you need to take another rip
  12. Line276

    What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done While Stoned?

    gone to my friends house with blood shot eyes and his mom works at a rehab so she knows what a stoner looks like
  13. Line276

    Can you remmember the 1st time you smoked pot?

    first time smokeing was with my sister when i was 16, felt like i was in an old movie and i could see the slides moving.
  14. Line276

    If I took 2 small hits off a joint of bowl would..?

    drink alot of water
  15. Line276

    what flavors are you toking on???

    sour diesel for me
  16. Line276

    will i go to prison

    most likely yes
  17. Line276

    growing weed in prison new help

    Doesnt seem like it would work anyone would notice after the plants sprung up a few inches.
  18. Line276

    My new cloner

    very nice..
  19. Line276

    my recent split with my fiance

    You will pull through dude just keep blazeing. Peace
  20. Line276

    How do You think JESUS would come?

    I think God is what you want him to be.