games when you're stoned


Active Member
me and my friends just make games out of anything. Yesterday we were kept entertained with two funnels and a ping pong ball for around an hour or so lol
Lol fuck. You guys are great. A good game is hide and seek...But be warned, sometimes the hiding may fall asleep in a closet (its happened to me) or the seeker might get tired and stop lookin, leaving the hider all alone. lol. Also "operation" is a fun game. Hard as shit when your blazed though.


Well-Known Member
thanks alot for the tips.
fucking stoners :P
w.t.f does that mean arent you a fucking stoner also?:peace:
go cow tippin or try to tip over those massive things i couldnt do it. granted i was high as as fuck but damn i dont think i would had been able 2 if i wasnt high at that time!!