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  1. J

    Help, plant leaves pointing up

    loos a little stretched other than that i cannot think of any problems that relate to pointing up leaves. Id just leave it and let it grow and see what happens.
  2. J

    Germinating seeds smell of mold

    Mm... Did you put them in a plastic bag and cut off all air, and temp around 80 Degrees Fhar? Thats what I do and never had a problem yet, I probably used this for 5 or 6 grows.
  3. J

    Flowering Lights?

    I'm vegging my plants with a CFL. I plan on flowering clones soon to determine sex. I plan on flowering with about 40w's of Black Light. I'm not sure if using 40w's of black light would work out? if not should I keep growing via CFL.
  4. J

    NEED HELP! plant is dying, PICS

    Re-pot it in new soil with no - less than half strength nutrients. Its a weed it really doesn't need nutes it should grow fine without for a while. Release lady bugs, into your garden, or use tomato garden pesticides to kill off any un-wanted guests. If this problem consists through...
  5. J

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    don't worry Ill have to do the same thing for the same reason. The plants look healthy so lets hope you get a good harvest!
  6. J

    Growing around...parents!

    I grow with my parents its my first grow, Its inside an XBOX Box because the inside is painted white already, 2 CFL Bulbs, fits 2 Mature plants for flowering I have 4 in there now because the sexes are not determined yet. Theirs good ventilation, about 70 -75 Degrees Fahrenheit Fan, a CFL in a...
  7. J

    stupid helicopters

    Do not use any white tools, paint them all green/brown. Spread your crops out 1 every 100 - 200 ft DO NOT grow in rows/circles or any formation. If a heli passes over while your in the feild DO NOT LOOK UP, keep your head down! MOST IMPORTANTLY!: If your crop gets spotted and is chopped down by...
  8. J

    What is happening to my lady?

    It looks like a pollen sack but I don't see how that's possible because theirs pistols on your plant. Maby its a new branch or something.
  9. J

    diy humidifier

    Looks Neat! the Idea is pretty original too. I would suggest getting a Microprocessor Chip like an Arduino, and learn C to program your Fan to turn on and off at different speeds throughout the day etc. You can even add your light to this and make your whole grow spot remote controlled.