stupid helicopters


Active Member
Hello everyone. I'm new to growing and just found a good clearing in the woods a power line and i have everything ready to get maybe 6 plants in. There is one problem tho. During the summertime where I live (on the north coast, CA) there are a shit load of rescue helicopter flybys, both medical helicopters but mostly sheriff. These sheriff helicopters are primarily out to rescue divers, but what do you all think? Is it too risky? I may be trippin but i just wanted to know if they even try to look for the shit. Thx :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

If you put them in a clearing there is a good chance they will be spotted. The power company uses choppers to inspect and clean along powerlines.

Risky if you ask me


Well-Known Member
i live in nothern cali along the coast and i grow? your fine just got to not plant in rows and you will be fine :) good luck bro


Well-Known Member
lol with choppers you got a better chance of getting caught indoors
due to the fact that them BIRDS got infrared so they'll see all that heat coming from that crib!!
just try como them trees along bushes and other trees you'll be good but stay
away from that cleared area!!


Active Member
Thanks for the imput everyone. On second thought i think i might move them away from those lines, prison doesn't sound like very much fun.


Well-Known Member
I saw a show recently about the marijauna biz, and they showed all kids of helicopters in cali looking for crops.. your best bet is to spread out your grow 1 plant per spot for like 100 feet or so


Active Member
Do not use any white tools, paint them all green/brown.
Spread your crops out 1 every 100 - 200 ft
DO NOT grow in rows/circles or any formation.
If a heli passes over while your in the feild DO NOT LOOK UP, keep your head down!

MOST IMPORTANTLY!: If your crop gets spotted and is chopped down by DEA and your not arrested DO NOT RETURN BACK.

DEA Usually puts Cameras is raided spots. you will get arrested if you go back!

good luck.


Well-Known Member
Also.. plant near vegetation that blends in with the look of the plants.... small srubs.. any vegetation that has the same shae of colour/size of marijuana